Divine Sleep Helps Me Navagate My New Normal

I was recently diagnosed with a rare Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Unlike most cancers while you may be at a Stage 4, they do not start treatments until symptomatic or a blood levels go off the chart, which is called ‘Watch & Wait’. The good news, I am on Watch & Wait, and I have learned not to get caught up in the ‘every-three-month blood tests cycle’ or the possibility that I could wake up tomorrow with one of the many symptoms.

I became a yoga teacher late in life when I was fifty-nine after experiencing a major reconstructive Achilles tendon surgery. During the two-year recovery, I could not find a yoga class that could accommodate my needs. It was extremely frustrating! So, I decided to get certified to teach classes with variations, modifications and props and lead them myself! I quickly realized 200-hours of training was a drop in the bucket, and I knew I needed continuous training to make sure I understood the best and safest options for my students.

During one of my sessions at Kripalu I had the opportunity to attend Jennifer’s Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra and knew this was a great practice, as well as something that I wanted to learn for myself and my own healing, and also share with my students.

At this same time, I was also in the midst of retiring, downsizing my home and trying to start a yoga business. It was an absolutely nonstop time in my life and Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra become a very important practice for my own health and wellness. I rested and received each time I laid down for Divine Sleep!

Fast forward two years . . . I took Jennifer’s Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra training and lead it regularly with my students. It has become a favorite for them, just as I knew it would be. My students all have all different perspectives from ‘yippee it’s time to rest!’ to those who experience deep inner relaxation and reflection. As a teacher, it’s an exciting challenge to write scripts, and I love going inward to capture all the steps and stages and also using my creative juices!

From a personal perspective, Divine Sleep has an important place in my every day practice with my cancer diagnosis. Divine Sleep is my refuge to stay relaxed and calm as I navigate this new normal. I actually was able to guide myself with focused breath awareness and body scanning (parts of yoga nidra) through a painful bone biopsy.

I listen to Jennifer’s healing journeys all the time, as well as practice self-Reiki which is a hands-on healing energy method. And because I am in Watch & Wait, while it is get extremely fatiguing, happily, I am still nonstop busy with my yoga and Reiki regime.

As I navigate this ‘new normal’ my self-care is extremely important and Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra has been instrumental helping me to stay relaxed and calm.

Thank you, Jennifer. You are an inspiration and I truly appreciate you sharing this wonder gift.

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