
Five Element Yoga®

Cooling Breathwork to Chill By

Cooling Breathwork to Chill By

Fire element comes into fullest expression during the summer with excitement, warmth, and outward flowing energy. During this intense 'yang' time of the year, we can feel increased heat, anxiety, agitation, irritability, anger and insomnia. We can burn out by summer’s...

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Soothing Self-Massage

Soothing Self-Massage

Five Element Yoga® includes numerous types of Self-Massage including Swedish, Traditional Chinese Meridians and energy points, acupressure, and Ayurvedic treatments. Enjoy this easy soothing flow to CALM DOWN or to FALL ASLEEP!  Enjoy this as a pdf or on this page....

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Inner Water Element Blessing

Inner Water Element Blessing

I wrote a poem - and I don't write poems - at least, it has been many years. Perhaps it was the inspiration of water element which filled my day yesterday both outdoors, and inside my own body as I practiced and prepared for our upcoming joints series. The joints are...

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5 Tips for Happy Joints!

5 Tips for Happy Joints!

Joint health is fundamental for flowing with ease, comfort and grace in the body. The joints tend to lose flexibility due to reduced amounts of lubricating fluids, hormonal shifts, and cartilage thins as we age. Here are some easy tips to incorporate into your life to...

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Vagus Nerve for Relaxation: 5 Easy Practices

Vagus Nerve for Relaxation: 5 Easy Practices

The Vagus Nerve is the largest nerve in the body as it wanders through, innervating most of the organs and body systems: think 'superhighway' through your torso. This nerve plays a central role in emotional and physical health and well-being because it carries...

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Sphynx Yoga Pose: Open Heart’s Compassion

Sphynx Yoga Pose: Open Heart’s Compassion

Opens the chest, shoulders, ribs. Helps to roll shoulders backwards. Fosters expanded and deepened breath. Stimulates thymus gland to aid in immune health and balance. Strengthens the upper back combating the 'slouch'. Stretches muscles of the neck and the Vagus Nerve...

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4 Yoga Stretches for a Good Night’s Sleep

4 Yoga Stretches for a Good Night’s Sleep

Reach for better rest when you add these bedtime yoga poses to your sleep routine. BY STEVE CALECHMAN JULY 21, 2020 Before the pandemic, 25% of Americans suffered from acute insomnia every year, according to a 2018 study from the University of Pennsylvania. We can...

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Happy Tips for Spring-Time Health

Happy Tips for Spring-Time Health

Spring-time has intense new energies at the Earth starts to push growth upward into the light! We can feel this intensity within ourselves, as Wood Element, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, becomes more active within us. Liver and gallbladder are the organs...

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Achala Agni Mudra

Achala Agni Mudra

This mudra can enhance your digestive potency in a balanced and steady way, as well as allowing you to 'digest' experiences in the mental-emotional level. “My Purifying Fire Boosts My Radiant Vitality.” HOW TO: Hands are held in front of the solar plexus area, with...

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