
Five Element Yoga®

Sleep Yoga Practices

Sleep Yoga Practices

Sleep! It’s as necessary as food, shelter and clothing. Yet everyone has difficulty with it at one time or another. As a certified yoga therapist, I spend a lot of time assisting my students and clients on improving their sleep. These practices are easy and will shift...

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VIDEO Jennifer’s Calming Five Element Yoga®: Water Flow

VIDEO Jennifer’s Calming Five Element Yoga®: Water Flow

Enjoy this a 12-minute Five Element Yoga® flow with Kripalu Schools faculty Jennifer Reis, designed to help you feel more grounded and calm as you tap into the Water and Earth elements. This is an all-levels practice! Please have a cushion or block handy and also feel...

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Blooming: Winter into Spring Inspiring VIDEO

Blooming: Winter into Spring Inspiring VIDEO

WOW! This is a great Winter-to-Spring transition video with triumphant music. I love watching the incredible upward-flowing-energy of the spring shoots, and the trust and expansion of flowers as they bloom open to a bright sun and sky. Spring is the season Wood...

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Circulate Your Energy: Five Element Yoga® Practice

Circulate Your Energy: Five Element Yoga® Practice

This Five Element Yoga® flow is designed to circulate your energy! In 10 easy steps, flow prana life-force through your joints, spine and body to  connect more fully with your inner wisdom. Learn to let go what is no longer needed opening to what is fresh and present...

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RADIANT Light Five Element Yoga® Flow

RADIANT Light Five Element Yoga® Flow

Enjoy this nourishing Five Element Yoga® flow includes breathing, mudras and easy yoga! Learn how to shine your radiant light through your body and energy channels. For all levels. 5-10 minutes (can be practiced longer by repeating sequences).     1. Dirgha...

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Drinking Water

Drinking Water

Drinking more water daily is one of the easiest and best practices you can do to increase your health and comfort! Increasing WATER Element in your tissues helps them to do their jobs and to function even better.   If you are feeling: creaky tight muscles and...

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3 Grounding Practices for Presence

3 Grounding Practices for Presence

If you are feeling ungrounded, frenetic, uneasy, anxious, thinking or feeling too much, then these 3 Grounding Practices may be just what the yoga teacher ordered! They will help you to connect with your inner Earth Element, to help you feel embodied and present. This...

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Five Element Yoga® FLOW: Finding My Inner Guide

Five Element Yoga® FLOW: Finding My Inner Guide

Finding My Inner Guide flow is a journey inward, a dance of breath and body that can lead you to the quiet truth that has always lived within. You are invited to stretch not only your muscles, but the boundaries of your spirit, reaching deeper into the wisdom that...

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Feel Freedom Mudra Flow: Bhairava, Uttarabodhi and Garuda

Feel Freedom Mudra Flow: Bhairava, Uttarabodhi and Garuda

These three mudras offer you an easy way to help you to feel into an inner sense of spaciousness, inviting you into your Infinite Possibilities! You may like to practice these mudras in a flow one after the other, or as individual mudras. HOW TO: Hold each Mudra for...

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Calming Five Element Yoga® Flow

Calming Five Element Yoga® Flow

4-Steps To Calm FIVE ELEMENT YOGA® posture flow! By slowing the movements of your body down with mindful breath and movements linked together, you can anchor your mind into the relaxed present where acceptance and love abide. For all-levels. (Modify as needed for your...

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