
Food Nourishment

Tips for Late Summer EARTH ELEMENT

Tips for Late Summer EARTH ELEMENT

NOURISHING EARTH ELEMENT Five Element Yoga® Self-Care Late Summer’ is the fifth season of the year according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This ‘harvest season’ from late August until the end of September is a time that reflects the Earth’s role in providing...

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Immune Boost Self-Care with Five Element Yoga®

Immune Boost Self-Care with Five Element Yoga®

Your Immune System is a complex web of cells, tissues, organs and systems. With some loving Self-Care it's possible to strengthen and balance from the inside out with these easy practices to help you to stave off viruses, infections, bacterias, allergies and...

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Good Digestion with Yoga at a Restaurant – Hilarious!

Good Digestion with Yoga at a Restaurant – Hilarious!

Laughter is the Best Medicine Laughter increases the intake of oxygen-rich air, activates the heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the 'feel good' endorphins that are released by your brain. Laughter also activates the vagus nerve and the stress response, helping...

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Winter Season Self-Care with Five Element Yoga® Tips

Winter Season Self-Care with Five Element Yoga® Tips

Winter is time to slow down, rest, and pause between activities, giving your energy a chance to reset itself for the year. Water Element is an active force right now and it's time to nourish your Water Vitality. Listen to your body and take time for self-care with...

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Honoring Our Ancestors

Honoring Our Ancestors

We are part of a lineage, a stream of intention and creation whose fountain springs from our ancestors. Their lives have been lived and completed with a beginning-middle-end. And yet, something of them lives within each of us. Their forces have had a hand in shaping...

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AUTUMN: 5 EASY STEPS to Stay Balanced

AUTUMN: 5 EASY STEPS to Stay Balanced

Autumn Season is inherently scattering - windy, dry, cool, and unpredictable - it can leave you cold, fearful, scattered and ungrounded. That is because according to Traditional Chinese Medicine METAL ELEMENT rules the season, and AIR + ETHER Elements says...

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Chocolate Bark or ❤️’s: With Coconut Oil -Yummy!

Chocolate Bark or ❤️’s: With Coconut Oil -Yummy!

Mindful Chocolate Eating is a great way to enjoy pleasure and feel L*O*V*E! Especially when the ingredients are so healthy, and the recipe is so simple to make! I've been making my own chocolate for years, and I hope you enjoy it too! (I make it a bit different each...

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Drinking Water

Drinking Water

Drinking more water daily is one of the easiest and best practices you can do to increase your health and comfort! Increasing WATER Element in your tissues helps them to do their jobs and to function even better.   If you are feeling: creaky tight muscles and...

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Watermelon and Cucumber Salad

Watermelon and Cucumber Salad

Refresh and Keep Cool! I offer you a simple pleasure: a salad of cucumber and watermelon, kissed by the sweetness of mint. The cucumber, crisp and clean, offers the taste of the earth, while the watermelon, juicy and red, brings the warmth of the sun itself. Together,...

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