Love + Laughter

Good Digestion with Yoga at a Restaurant – Hilarious!

Good Digestion with Yoga at a Restaurant – Hilarious!

Laughter is the Best Medicine Laughter increases the intake of oxygen-rich air, activates the heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the 'feel good' endorphins that are released by your brain. Laughter also activates the vagus nerve and the stress response, helping...

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Enjoyment = Happiness!

Enjoyment = Happiness!

"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time." Often we may tend to get down on ourselves and become critical if we think we are 'wasting time'. I love these words of wisdom that were amazingly enough on my bag of Buddha Tea last night! It helped me to realize that the...

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Adorable Cows To Uplift You

Adorable Cows To Uplift You

The sacred cow! How often we forget just how much cows have given to humans over thousands of years. They are often overlooked, and if you take the time when you have the chance, you'll notice just what beautiful, amazing, and sweet creatures they are. We regularly...

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VIDEO Newborn Baby Bath

VIDEO Newborn Baby Bath

Once upon a time, you too, were this new, fresh and young! Clear your inner slate to become a beginner of life again, able both receive life, and to be fully present in each moment, like this baby being bathed. (I admit, I have a difficult time not tearing up at the...

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VIDEO Kangaroo And Wombat Love

VIDEO Kangaroo And Wombat Love

Sweet student Diane in Australia often sends me pictures of the amazing animals that live on her property - including wallabees, wombats, sheep and more! She shared with me this great video to help me understand what wombats are (did you know? I was thinking they were...

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Dog Plays ‘Dead’ Asleep To Avoid Vet

Dog Plays ‘Dead’ Asleep To Avoid Vet

This is so cute! Do you ever feel like just sleeping in, playing 'dead' and avoiding something you're not fond of doing? Totally normal! Especially with all the stresses of modern day life. Pets are very intelligent, and usually know a lot of words, and can predict...

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