Nature Bliss

VIDEO Kangaroo And Wombat Love

VIDEO Kangaroo And Wombat Love

Sweet student Diane in Australia often sends me pictures of the amazing animals that live on her property - including wallabees, wombats, sheep and more! She shared with me this great video to help me understand what wombats are (did you know? I was thinking they were...

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VIDEO: Winter Water Element Wonderland

VIDEO: Winter Water Element Wonderland

Winter whispers her soft song, draped in the quiet elegance of the Water Element. She holds us in her stillness, her grace, her endless flow. This is a beautiful time of year when Water comes into her full fruition which you will see in this lovely video. Winter truly...

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VIDEO: Aurora Borealis Northern Lights

VIDEO: Aurora Borealis Northern Lights

Growing up in the great white north of Canada, the Northern Lights were a regular occurance, but always a very special one! Each sighting was different and awe-inspiring. This is a great video of the lights in many northern areas. I hope you enjoy sharing with me...

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Dog Plays ‘Dead’ Asleep To Avoid Vet

Dog Plays ‘Dead’ Asleep To Avoid Vet

This is so cute! Do you ever feel like just sleeping in, playing 'dead' and avoiding something you're not fond of doing? Totally normal! Especially with all the stresses of modern day life. Pets are very intelligent, and usually know a lot of words, and can predict...

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VIDEO Bird’s Eye View Transitions in ICELAND

VIDEO Bird’s Eye View Transitions in ICELAND

Iceland is one big transition after another kindled by the mix of the elements: Earth + Water + Fire + Air + Ether = Beauty and continual change everywhere you look with the play of Elements. Relaxing music and a looooong sweet video offered here for you to slow down,...

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VIDEO Range of Light

VIDEO Range of Light

Please enjoy this video of the play of light - our precious light - the beauty of the night time sky, the sun coming and going each day - and now the days becoming longer once again. I am reminded of the sacredness of the Winter Solstice and the celebration of the...

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VIDEO How to Sleep In Space

VIDEO How to Sleep In Space

Wow this is so interesting! How DO they sleep in space? Cute video with Chris in Canada shows us how its done! (I can imagine if they had yoga nidra pumped into their sleep stations it would improve their sleep too!)

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VIDEO Amazing Flight with Birds over Castle

VIDEO Amazing Flight with Birds over Castle

Fly with the flight of the birds in their flocks on a microlight with a young boy, a man playing an accordian (? you have to see it to believe), and others! Truly incredible! You get to see them in flight and also see with the bird's eye view beautiful landscapes that...

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VIDEO Polar Bear Love

VIDEO Polar Bear Love

Polar bears are simply amazing—so powerful, yet so tender, especially the mothers with their playful, roly-poly cubs. In Wapusk National Park, along the edge of Hudson’s Bay in Manitoba, Canada these incredible beings make their journey through the snow and ice....

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