Abhyanga is a potent healing and rebalancing self-massage for your internal five elements. The rhythmic flow of movement activates the lymphatic system to help you detoxify. And the relaxing nature of this massage shifts you into the parasympathetic healing mode of...
Relaxation + Sleep
Listen Meditation
Using one sense can refresh all of the other senses by just simply stopping and paying attention for some moments, with focus on one sense - like the ears and listening. Try this easy meditation to refresh and awaken the senses: Wherever you are, indoors, or outside,...
Your Inner Healing Spring
Healing Is Already Within You Jennifer Reis Radiant Being Newsletter, March 1, 2015 At this moment, I can’t help but long for the days of Spring! It always seems to begin too slowly for me, however the longer days with more light are something to celebrate. Also worth...
Five Element Yoga® For Restful Sleep
Need help with Restful Sleep? Read and/or Print this practice of mudras, self-massage, breathing, and simple postures to help you shift within for greater health and harmony. READ MORE
How to Sleep
from Radiant Being Newsletter, October. 2015, Issue 66, Jennifer Reis Yoga© READ MORE
There Is Enough Time For Everything
Recently, I felt my energy depleted, partially due to the negative mantra in my head saying ‘There’s not enough time’. Does this sound familiar to you? It’s neither a useful nor correct belief, because there’s always enough time for what is important. In fact, likely...