My sister in law Senta Reis has played her incredible live music for us during some of my Retreats and Trainings for Five Element Yoga® and Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra. Many students asked 'When are you recording an album?' Inspired, she hunkered down in the studio and...
10 Tips for Happy Spring-Time Health
Spring-time has intense new energies! Be mindful and aware of your body, energy, and mood as you flow through spring when elements of Wood, Water, Earth, and Fire Elements predominate. This is a time to cultivate your innate calm - focus on relaxing your mind, body...
Spring Equinox 12 Ways to Celebrate
Spring Equinox is a powerful seasonal time that has been celebrated by ancient peoples throughout human history, and can be meaningful to us, here and now. This is a great time to pause and to celebrate the moment of this potent shift around this time. Here are 12...
Immune Boost Self-Care with Five Element Yoga®
Your Immune System is a complex web of cells, tissues, organs and systems. With some loving Self-Care it's possible to strengthen and balance from the inside out with these easy practices to help you to stave off viruses, infections, bacterias, allergies and...
Good Digestion with Yoga at a Restaurant – Hilarious!
Laughter is the Best Medicine Laughter increases the intake of oxygen-rich air, activates the heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the 'feel good' endorphins that are released by your brain. Laughter also activates the vagus nerve and the stress response, helping...
Winter Season Self-Care with Five Element Yoga® Tips
Winter is time to slow down, rest, and pause between activities, giving your energy a chance to reset itself for the year. Water Element is an active force right now and it's time to nourish your Water Vitality. Listen to your body and take time for self-care with...
Free Your Joints: Joint Rotations
Are your joints feeling achy, creaky and perhaps even painful? Try this flow to nourish your joints. Easy rotations will help to warm up the synovial fluid around the joint to make your movement more graceful, coordinated and effortless, like a clear mountain stream....
Central Harmonizer Acupressure
Energy flows more freely to the organs, glands, systems and chakra wheels of energy when congestion and blockages are removed with this Central Harmonizer Flow. You will shift into the parasympatheic nervous system mode for natural healing, balance and restoration....
Cooling Breathwork to Chill By
Fire element comes into fullest expression during the summer with excitement, warmth, and outward flowing energy. During this intense 'yang' time of the year, we can feel increased heat, anxiety, agitation, irritability, anger and insomnia. We can burn out by summer’s...
Enjoyment = Happiness!
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time." Often we may tend to get down on ourselves and become critical if we think we are 'wasting time'. I love these words of wisdom that were amazingly enough on my bag of Buddha Tea last night! It helped me to realize that the...