Five Element Yoga® includes numerous types of Self-Massage including Swedish, Traditional Chinese Meridians and energy points, acupressure, and Ayurvedic treatments. Enjoy this easy soothing flow to CALM DOWN or to FALL ASLEEP! Enjoy this as a pdf or on this page....
5 Tips for Happy Joints!
Joint health is fundamental for flowing with ease, comfort and grace in the body. The joints tend to lose flexibility due to reduced amounts of lubricating fluids, hormonal shifts, and cartilage thins as we age. Here are some easy tips to incorporate into your life to...
Vagus Nerve for Relaxation: 5 Easy Practices
The Vagus Nerve is the body’s largest nerve, traveling like a "superhighway" through the torso, connecting and influencing most major organs and body systems. It plays a central role in both emotional and physical well-being, acting as the main parasympathetic nerve,...
VIDEO: Winter in Sweden LIGHT-DARK
Wonderfully slow and thoughtfully done, this video shows the beauty and contrast of the LIGHT and the DARK that our friends in the North experience. Get ready to feel that lovely Scandinavian coziness called ‘hygge’. Somewhat similar to my youth in Canada, but I had...
Evening Prayer: Sleep Chant – Karen Drucker
A beautiful sleep lullaby prayer from the talented Karen Drucker. Click Below:
Holiday Calm Tips
The Holidays are wonderful! And yet this time of year can be challenging... The disruption of regular rhythms and routines can leave us feeling unmoored, while heightened emotions and potential triggers from interactions with family and friends may lead to fatigue,...
AUTUMN: 5 EASY STEPS to Stay Balanced
Autumn Season is inherently scattering - windy, dry, cool, and unpredictable - it can leave you cold, fearful, scattered and ungrounded. That is because according to Traditional Chinese Medicine METAL ELEMENT rules the season, and AIR + ETHER Elements says...
4 Yoga Stretches for a Good Night’s Sleep
Reach for better rest when you add these bedtime yoga poses to your sleep routine. BY STEVE CALECHMAN JULY 21, 2020 Before the pandemic, 25% of Americans suffered from acute insomnia every year, according to a 2018 study from the University of Pennsylvania. We can...
7 Tips For Beginning Again
It's never easy to Begin Again. And yet, life keeps asking us to do just that. Change is also what keeps us young, alert, and has the potency to strengthen us physically, mentally and emotionally. Imagine yourself as a flexible reed, bowing and bending with the wind...
5 Short Pauses to Open to Infinite Possibility
Enjoy these simple meditations for Short Pauses. You can do them anytime, from 1-minute or more, or all day long! Gaze into a FLOWER. Notice and savor your time inside this flower. Use all of your senses: See the colors, patterns, geometric...