
Tips for Managing Stress

5 Tips for Happy Joints!

5 Tips for Happy Joints!

Joint health is fundamental for flowing with ease, comfort and grace in the body. The joints tend to lose flexibility due to reduced amounts of lubricating fluids, hormonal shifts, and cartilage thins as we age. Here are some easy tips to incorporate into your life to...

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Vagus Nerve for Relaxation: 5 Easy Practices

Vagus Nerve for Relaxation: 5 Easy Practices

The Vagus Nerve is the largest nerve in the body as it wanders through, innervating most of the organs and body systems: think 'superhighway' through your torso. This nerve plays a central role in emotional and physical health and well-being because it carries...

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Holiday Calm Tips

Holiday Calm Tips

The Holidays are wonderful! And yet this time of year can be challenging due to: The disruption of regular rhythms of our schedule and life. The tendency to feel more emotions and possibly get triggered by family and friends can cause fatigue, inflammation, insomnia,...

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AUTUMN: 5 EASY STEPS to Stay Balanced

AUTUMN: 5 EASY STEPS to Stay Balanced

Autumn Season is inherently scattering - windy, dry, cool, and unpredictable - it can leave you cold, fearful, scattered and ungrounded. That is because according to Traditional Chinese Medicine METAL ELEMENT rules the season, and AIR + ETHER Elements says...

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7 TIPS To Cultivate Your Inner Wisdom

7 TIPS To Cultivate Your Inner Wisdom

Generally we spend too much time with our senses and our awareness streaming outward to others, work and the world. But in a split second, we can locate and harvest our Inner Wisest Self by turning our senses and awareness inward. Here are some great practices to help...

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Find Your Equanimity Now! 5 TIPS

Find Your Equanimity Now! 5 TIPS

What is EQUANIMITY? It's a word that began to be used in the 17th century, although I had not heard it until I began Buddhist meditation in my 20's. Merriam-Webster Dictionary describes it surprisingly well: 1: Evenness of mind, especially under stress 'nothing could...

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7 TIPS to Increase Your Spark

7 TIPS to Increase Your Spark

Are you feeling a little Dull? Rusty? Burned out? Here are some great practices to help you find your light and center again.     Enjoy this Present Moment: view each day is a Field of New Possibilities. Allow yesterday to remain there without pulling into...

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7 Tips For Beginning Again

7 Tips For Beginning Again

It's never easy to Begin Again. And yet, life keeps asking us to do just that. Change is also what keeps us young, alert, and has the potency to strengthen us physically, mentally and emotionally. Imagine yourself as a flexible reed, bowing and bending with the wind...

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