
Tips for Managing Stress

5 Short Pauses to Open to Infinite Possibility

5 Short Pauses to Open to Infinite Possibility

Enjoy these simple meditations for Short Pauses. You can do them anytime, from 1-minute or more, or all day long!         Gaze into a FLOWER. Notice and savor your time inside this flower. Use all of your senses: See the colors, patterns, geometric...

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Happy Tips for Spring-Time Health

Happy Tips for Spring-Time Health

Spring-time has intense new energies at the Earth starts to push growth upward into the light! We can feel this intensity within ourselves, as Wood Element, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, becomes more active within us. Liver and gallbladder are the organs...

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Dog Plays ‘Dead’ Asleep To Avoid Vet

Dog Plays ‘Dead’ Asleep To Avoid Vet

This is so cute! Do you ever feel like just sleeping in, playing 'dead' and avoiding something you're not fond of doing? Totally normal! Especially with all the stresses of modern day life. Pets are very intelligent, and usually know a lot of words, and can predict...

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Keep Your Cool: 3 Energy Points for Cooling

Keep Your Cool: 3 Energy Points for Cooling

There's no need to dive into ice cold water to cool down! These three energy points from Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the practice of Shiatsu finger pressure, can help you with summer heat, or any cause of heat within you, and discomfort. Simply circle or...

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Learning to Self-Love

Learning to Self-Love

What does it mean to practice Self-Love? Is it possible to cultivate a life lived in Self-Love? Self-love is to both LISTEN TO and CARE for oneself. With your attention on meeting your needs, you have the opportunity to feel more nourished and content from the inside...

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VIDEO Heart-Centered Mudras

VIDEO Heart-Centered Mudras

Video of Kapota Dove Mudra and Hridaya Heart Mudra to help you connect you with the essence of your Heart @Kripalu Center with birdsong.           Click on LARGE image for VIDEO                ...

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Sleep Yoga Practices

Sleep Yoga Practices

Sleep! It’s as necessary as food, shelter and clothing. Yet everyone has difficulty with it at one time or another. As a certified yoga therapist, I spend a lot of time assisting my students and clients on improving their sleep. These practices are easy and will shift...

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VIDEO Pracercise

VIDEO Pracercise

Funny and cute! My Mom and I use to Jazzercize back in the day, and this darling guy JP just brought it all back for me. BTW 'Yoga Comedian' might be a good occupation!  

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VIDEO Jennifer’s Calming Five Element Yoga®: Water Flow

VIDEO Jennifer’s Calming Five Element Yoga®: Water Flow

Enjoy this a 12-minute Five Element Yoga® flow with Kripalu Schools faculty Jennifer Reis, designed to help you feel more grounded and calm as you tap into the Water and Earth elements. This is an all-levels practice! Please have a cushion or block handy and also feel...

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VIDEO Babies Hugging Forever!

VIDEO Babies Hugging Forever!

I'm amazed at the little world these four babies have created for their tribe! Lots of hugs going around in the midst of funny little expressive 'cooings' as they 'talk' to each other. They are in a whole other world of their own world - in beautiful connection and...

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