
Tips for Managing Stress

VIDEO Mindful Walking with Thich Nhat Hanh

VIDEO Mindful Walking with Thich Nhat Hanh

Meditation master Thich Nhat Hanh, originally from Vietnam, talks about the importance of doing regular practices that train us how to be present in each unfolding moment. It's as easy as walking! I hope you enjoy his sweet, solid, unhurried presence.    ...

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VIDEO You Are Loved

VIDEO You Are Loved

Sometimes a voice, music and singing can soothe and nourish the heart like nothing else can. Please enjoy this beautiful creation by Jai Jagdeesh. It has been a comfort to me.

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VIDEO Grocery Store Dominos

VIDEO Grocery Store Dominos

I always find it funny, interesting and relaxing to watch grocery dominos- a fun game! Also great that someone else will clean it up.        

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VIDEO Blue Yoga

VIDEO Blue Yoga

This is a hilarious yoga class from CBC in Canada! Proof that even our neighbours to the north can have blue days (although here in the US I like to think its all rainbows and blue sky to up there!) Hope you enjoy it, I hope that your yoga teacher is nice to you and...

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Calming Mudra Flow

Calming Mudra Flow

These three mudras will bring you into your calming, soothing center and out of the chattering mind and ocean of emotion to be at peace once again. ADHI MUDRA "I am always calm in the center of my being." Place your thumbs inside your palms and gently make loose fists...

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Purna Hridaya Heart Mudra: Welcoming Thoughts and Feelings

Purna Hridaya Heart Mudra: Welcoming Thoughts and Feelings

'Purna' means open and 'hridaya' is the heart, thus this is the Open Heart Mudra. This is one of my favorite mudras for when I'm feeling a lot of emotion, or feeling stuck in an emotion or repetitive thoughts. Practicing Purna Hridaya Mudra will help to bring your...

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The End of Disappointment: Cultivating True Contentment

The End of Disappointment: Cultivating True Contentment

For the last few months I have been 'practicing' Contentment. I call it practice because it usually does not come naturally to most people to simply feel okay about oneself, the world and everything in it - myself included! I found stating the reminder that 'I am...

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Hansi – Inner Smile Mudra

Hansi – Inner Smile Mudra

"My Inner Smile awakens the Bliss that is always present." I love how the pinky fingers are like the uplifted corners of the mouth as in a smile in this mudra! You can rest the backs of your hands on your lap; or with elbows at your waist float your hands chest...

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Jala Water Mudra

Jala Water Mudra

"I flow with the rhythms of the rivers within." This is one of my all time favorite Mudras! Perhaps because its so simple and yet so powerful at bringing me back into my natural flow. It helps me to sense my navel and breath naturally flowing more deeply and fully...

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