Yoga Wisdom & Inspiration

Honoring Our Ancestors

Honoring Our Ancestors

We are part of a lineage, a stream of intention and creation whose fountain springs from our ancestors. Their lives have been lived and completed with a beginning-middle-end. And yet, something of them lives within each of us. Their forces have had a hand in shaping...

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Enjoyment = Happiness!

Enjoyment = Happiness!

"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time." Often we may tend to get down on ourselves and become critical if we think we are 'wasting time'. I love these words of wisdom that were amazingly enough on my bag of Buddha Tea last night! It helped me to realize that the...

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Inner Water Element Blessing

Inner Water Element Blessing

I wrote a poem - and I don't write poems - at least, it has been many years. Perhaps it was the inspiration of water element which filled my day yesterday both outdoors, and inside my own body as I practiced and prepared for our upcoming joints series. The joints are...

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AUTUMN: 5 EASY STEPS to Stay Balanced

AUTUMN: 5 EASY STEPS to Stay Balanced

Autumn Season is inherently scattering - windy, dry, cool, and unpredictable - it can leave you cold, fearful, scattered and ungrounded. That is because according to Traditional Chinese Medicine METAL ELEMENT rules the season, and AIR + ETHER Elements says...

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7 TIPS To Cultivate Your Inner Wisdom

7 TIPS To Cultivate Your Inner Wisdom

Generally we spend too much time with our senses and our awareness streaming outward to others, work and the world. But in a split second, we can locate and harvest our Inner Wisest Self by turning our senses and awareness inward. Here are some great practices to help...

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Cultivating Equanimity for Inner Strength

Cultivating Equanimity for Inner Strength

Equanimity is quiet inner strength that allows us to meet life as it is, neither grasping at joy, nor resisting sorrow, instead resting in steadiness that is unswayed by circumstance. This is not indifference, but the deep and abiding presence within us—a spaciousness...

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Balancing Rocks for Equanimity

Balancing Rocks for Equanimity

Incredible! If I too could attain this kind of balance in my body, my being, and in my days... And perhaps I do, and we all do, as we strive to live life: doing, adjusting, waiting, willing, thinking, trying, testing, trusting, praying, accepting, as well as receiving...

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7 TIPS to Increase Your Spark

7 TIPS to Increase Your Spark

Are you feeling a little Dull? Rusty? Burned out? Here are some great practices to help you find your light and center again.     Enjoy this Present Moment: view each day is a Field of New Possibilities. Allow yesterday to remain there without pulling into...

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