Yoga Wisdom & Inspiration

7 Tips For Beginning Again

7 Tips For Beginning Again

It's never easy to Begin Again. And yet, life keeps asking us to do just that. Change is also what keeps us young, alert, and has the potency to strengthen us physically, mentally and emotionally. Imagine yourself as a flexible reed, bowing and bending with the wind...

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VIDEO Newborn Baby Bath

VIDEO Newborn Baby Bath

Once upon a time, you too, were this new, fresh and young! Clear your inner slate to become a beginner of life again, able both receive life, and to be fully present in each moment, like this baby being bathed. (I admit, I have a difficult time not tearing up at the...

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5 Short Pauses to Open to Infinite Possibility

5 Short Pauses to Open to Infinite Possibility

Enjoy these simple meditations for Short Pauses. You can do them anytime, from 1-minute or more, or all day long!         Gaze into a FLOWER. Notice and savor your time inside this flower. Use all of your senses: See the colors, patterns, geometric...

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Happy Tips for Spring-Time Health

Happy Tips for Spring-Time Health

Spring-time has intense new energies at the Earth starts to push growth upward into the light! We can feel this intensity within ourselves, as Wood Element, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, becomes more active within us. Liver and gallbladder are the organs...

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5 Easy ‘Calm and Collect’ Excercises

5 Easy ‘Calm and Collect’ Excercises

Esther is one of my inspiring yoga students! She sends me many interesting and heartfelt emails, one of which is this article that she has generously agreed to let me post here. I love these easy ways to bring 'Calm and Collect' into my day! I think you'll enjoy this...

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VIDEO Now I Like Who I Am. I Know Who I Am.

VIDEO Now I Like Who I Am. I Know Who I Am.

Larry Callies's life has had many twists and turns. Talk about a resilient spirit! Life changed him and he changed too - gaining wisdom, and a newfound knowledge of himself. It reminds me of how life right now is changing and asking so many of us to grow right now....

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VIDEO 2-Minute Self-Compassion Practice

VIDEO 2-Minute Self-Compassion Practice

I love this! Kristin Neff, a leading researcher of self-compassion, has some easy ideas for Self-Compassion, including Hridaya Heart Mudra that I teach in the VIDEO in our Five Element Yoga® mudra practice!    

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VIDEO Candle Chimes

VIDEO Candle Chimes

The sound of gentle chimes moved by the warmth of the candles... this reminds me of the angel chimes that made there appearance each holiday season during my childhood! I've always been looking for another set but haven't found them yet. Maybe this year. Chimes and...

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