Yoga Wisdom & Inspiration

Learning to Self-Love

Learning to Self-Love

What does it mean to practice Self-Love? Is it possible to cultivate a life lived in Self-Love? Self-love is to both LISTEN TO and CARE for oneself. With your attention on meeting your needs, you have the opportunity to feel more nourished and content from the inside...

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VIDEO Meditation to the Rescue in Thailand

VIDEO Meditation to the Rescue in Thailand

This is an amazing story of boys Thai Soccer team who after being trapped in a cave for ten days were found meditating! Their coach had been a Buddhist monk and taught them how to meditate in order to stay calm while waiting and hoping for rescue. They all made it out...

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Pancha Maya Kosha: Five Layers to Wholeness

Pancha Maya Kosha: Five Layers to Wholeness

Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that leads you through the Five Kosha layers of being. The Five Koshas are one of the basic models from yoga philosophy that I have found incredibly helpful for understanding both myself and others. With practice, its...

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VIDEO Croqueted Playground

VIDEO Croqueted Playground

Toshiko Horiuchi is a leading artist in Canada and her native Japan who knits and crochets to make her interactive work. Many of her exhibitions are 'playgrounds' for children which are so imaginative and fun! It really helps children test their bodies, their balance,...

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VIDEO Way of Giants – Caminho dos Gigantes

VIDEO Way of Giants – Caminho dos Gigantes

In a forest of Giant trees, indigenous girl Oquirá challenges her destiny to learn and to understand transformation. Flute music with beautiful creative animation, this short shows us the profound connection to nature, and especially to the trees, of her world. I love...

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VIDEO Kripalu Sacred Lands

VIDEO Kripalu Sacred Lands

Soundstrue created this beautiful video of myself and my dear Mohican friend Shawn Stevens on the sacredness of the land at Kripalu. Shawn's ancestors lived here for thousands of years in harmony with the land, then suffered an imposed 'letting go' by being displaced...

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VIDEO Peaceful Breathing

VIDEO Peaceful Breathing

Join me for Peaceful Breathing to help calm and sooth you, bring you back into the moment for greater simplicity in your mind and body. CLICK HERE  

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VIDEO Babies Hugging Forever!

VIDEO Babies Hugging Forever!

I'm amazed at the little world these four babies have created for their tribe! Lots of hugs going around in the midst of funny little expressive 'cooings' as they 'talk' to each other. They are in a whole other world of their own world - in beautiful connection and...

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VIDEO Mindful Walking with Thich Nhat Hanh

VIDEO Mindful Walking with Thich Nhat Hanh

Meditation master Thich Nhat Hanh, originally from Vietnam, talks about the importance of doing regular practices that train us how to be present in each unfolding moment. It's as easy as walking! I hope you enjoy his sweet, solid, unhurried presence.    ...

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