Yoga Wisdom & Inspiration

VIDEO You Are Loved

VIDEO You Are Loved

Sometimes a voice, music and singing can soothe and nourish the heart like nothing else can. Please enjoy this beautiful creation by Jai Jagdeesh. It has been a comfort to me.

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Cultivating Inner Strength

Cultivating Inner Strength

We are each imbued with a fountain of inner strength. In trying times it may feel like strength is beyond reach or inaccessibly bound up in tension. Acknowledging that you have an unending source of inner strength is the first step to rediscovering it! And getting in...

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Finding a Deeper Wealth

Finding a Deeper Wealth

Have you been searching for wealth outside yourself? Perhaps in a goal that is attainable, something you are working towards, a perfection that has not yet come to fruition. Other times there may be feelings of shame bubbling up around how we think we ought to be, or...

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VIDEO Blue Yoga

VIDEO Blue Yoga

This is a hilarious yoga class from CBC in Canada! Proof that even our neighbours to the north can have blue days (although here in the US I like to think its all rainbows and blue sky to up there!) Hope you enjoy it, I hope that your yoga teacher is nice to you and...

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Water Element

Water Element

It could be that water element is my favorite of the five elements. Water represents the feminine flow of the breath, of the emotions, and of the rhythms of nature, which is often the very thing I'm lacking when I'm living out my daily schedule of 'doing' and getting...

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It Is Our Light, Not Our Darkness That Most Frightens Us…

It Is Our Light, Not Our Darkness That Most Frightens Us…

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to...

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VIDEO Figure Skating on Top of the World

VIDEO Figure Skating on Top of the World

Living her light by skating on top of a mountain's frozen lake, figure skater Elizabeth Putnam really takes my breath away! Growing just outside of the Canadian Rockies, I know the feeling of being up there on those mountain-tops where the forces of the Elements are a...

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The End of Disappointment: Cultivating True Contentment

The End of Disappointment: Cultivating True Contentment

For the last few months I have been 'practicing' Contentment. I call it practice because it usually does not come naturally to most people to simply feel okay about oneself, the world and everything in it - myself included! I found stating the reminder that 'I am...

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Being Love

Being Love

We may think of love only as a feeling, and wait hopefully for it's arrival -- love of another person, love of life, love of one's daily activities, or love of one's practice. But if we wait to magically feel love before living fully with love, we may never learn...

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