Yoga Wisdom & Inspiration

Living with Empty Hands

Living with Empty Hands

If you are anything like me, making a plan and having an agenda to follow can feel very grounding. Having a plan gives us a starting point, and helps us to see how we might reach our goal.  How can anything happen if you don't first imagine, then plan it? Whether...

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VIDEO Letting Go: My Life After 44 Years In Prison

VIDEO Letting Go: My Life After 44 Years In Prison

Wisdom from a sweet thoughtful man. "I go out to the park and I might just meditate. You know you got to let things go. Holding onto anger will only stagnate your growth and development. I try not to go backwards, I try to go forwards..."

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VIDEO Miracle on 6 train

VIDEO Miracle on 6 train

The kind act of a man on a train who doesn't know he's being filmed makes her cry! And now we can all feel the love by watching this video. It makes you think - what joy it's possible to give someone for so little. Inspiring!          

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Finding Your Rhythm

Finding Your Rhythm

by Jennifer Reis, E-RYT 500, C-IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist, Kripalu School of Yoga faculty. The rhythms of the seasons and nature gloriously expressed through her Five Elements also live within our own bodies. Tuning into these forces can help give clues about...

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How to Live in a Body

How to Live in a Body

by Jennifer Reis, Integrative Yoga Therapist Here are ideas for some of the most important ways I've found to live fully embodied. Above all, remember that your body is a gift from beyond, a mystery to honor, respect and listen to. Practicing Body Scan daily by...

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The Secret Power of Listening

The Secret Power of Listening

"The first duty of love is to listen." ~ Paul Tillich Listening is a skill that has not always come easy to me. I have had the opportunity to grow over the years with the help of some very skillful teachers and methods at Kripalu Center, where for the last twenty...

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Deep Listening Affirmation with Thich Nhat Hanh

Deep Listening Affirmation with Thich Nhat Hanh

One of my favorite teachers and writers is Zen Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh who has created a beautiful affirmation for deep listening that is the root of understanding, joy and can help to eliminate suffering in our interactions with one another to live together...

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Beauty Abounds WALKING MEDITATION + Reflections

Beauty Abounds WALKING MEDITATION + Reflections

This morning as I gazed out the kitchen window, I was amazed to see the most lit up juicy-pink sunrise, rolling like waves over the mountain, to warm the baron and colorless landscape. Beauty abounds! Even in this cold dark place, beauty can warm and heal, as it...

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Video – Beauty of Connection

Video – Beauty of Connection

Beauty in connection and relationship. A touching video of sweet children who agreed to be blindfolded then search for and find their mothers in a small group of women. This one made me cry! Just to let you know - they all find their mothers.

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