Yoga Wisdom & Inspiration



DEAR GOD Dear God, please reveal to us your sublime beauty that is everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, so that we will never again feel frightened. my divine love, my love, please let us touch your face. Rabia of Basra (c. 717-801) female Islamic Saint from the Sufi...

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Singing Nun Video — Stunning!

Singing Nun Video — Stunning!

This woman is living out my alter-ego!  She is both a nun -- and up on stage singing pop -- with so much soul, heart and vibrance.  I love the expressiveness of the very surprised judges she sings for in Italy.

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Heart’s Intention Statement vs Resolution

Heart’s Intention Statement vs Resolution

Goals and resolutions - like New Year's resolutions - have deadlines which, if they are not met can make us feel like we've failed. Our efforts can backfire, making us feel not better but worse. Or, using the example of resolving to lose weight, it may be...

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Amazing Kids Inspiring Video

Amazing Kids Inspiring Video

Wow incredible! Most people can't ever learn to do what these amazing kids can do - dance, jump, cycle, climb with fearlessness and skill. I feel so inspired - Mom do you still have my skateboard?

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Student Stories

Student Stories

Grateful for the Balance Divine Sleep Offers Me RJ Lisander I was 38 and worried sick that Monday afternoon. The previous Friday, my husband of twelve years had texted to inform me he that he was canceling the three-day weekend that we had been planning. Instead, he...

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Living in the Present Moment There were times when I could not afford to sacrifice the bloom of the present moment to any work, whether of head or hands. Sometimes, in a summer morning, having taken my accustomed bath, I sat in my sunny doorway from sunrise till noon,...

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Your Inner Healing Spring

Your Inner Healing Spring

Healing Is Already Within You Jennifer Reis Radiant Being Newsletter, March 1, 2015 At this moment, I can’t help but long for the days of Spring! It always seems to begin too slowly for me, however the longer days with more light are something to celebrate. Also worth...

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Grace in Letting Go

Grace in Letting Go

Gifts from Norman Reis Norman Reis, 92 years old, a few days before passing. I feel so honored to have witnessed during the past year the biggest and most graceful letting go ever imaginable: witnessing my father-in-law Norman Reis let go of his life on earth. He had...

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Finding Contentment — Everything As It Already Is

Finding Contentment — Everything As It Already Is

Contentment – the state of happiness and satisfaction – means feeling settled in your body, having peace in your heart and calmness of mind. That can be pretty difficult to attain, and more challenging still to live in that place each moment! Contentment is wanting...

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There Is Enough Time For Everything

There Is Enough Time For Everything

Recently, I felt my energy depleted, partially due to the negative mantra in my head saying ‘There’s not enough time’. Does this sound familiar to you? It’s neither a useful nor correct belief, because there’s always enough time for what is important. In fact, likely...

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