
Yoga Nidra & Meditation

Find Your Equanimity Now! 5 TIPS

Find Your Equanimity Now! 5 TIPS

What is EQUANIMITY? It's a word that began to be used in the 17th century, although I had not heard it until I began Buddhist meditation in my 20's. Merriam-Webster Dictionary describes it surprisingly well: 1: Evenness of mind, especially under stress 'nothing could...

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5 Short Pauses to Open to Infinite Possibility

5 Short Pauses to Open to Infinite Possibility

Enjoy these simple meditations for Short Pauses. You can do them anytime, from 1-minute or more, or all day long!         Gaze into a FLOWER. Notice and savor your time inside this flower. Use all of your senses: See the colors, patterns, geometric...

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