Finding Your Rhythm

by Jennifer Reis, E-RYT 500, C-IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist, Kripalu School of Yoga faculty.

The rhythms of the seasons and nature gloriously expressed through her Five Elements also live within our own bodies. Tuning into these forces can help give clues about finding your natural rhythm. As adults with so much to do and so many people to take care of, most often we are moving to a dis-jointed staccato-like rhythm directed from the ‘thinking mind’. This can be likened to a bird flying from here to there out of impulse and reaction or plain old flightiness!

With so much to do (which is a good thing, to have things to do in life!) how can we find our natural rhythms, and also follow those rhythms? Threefold help: Breathe Deeply, Practice, practice, practice, and Atune to the Rhythms of the Great Outdoors:

Breathe Deeply AND Move To Your Breath’s Rhythm

Breathing deeply is a direct route to your natural rhythms. While sitting, at the desk, standing, driving, take some deep belly breaths! It feels so good – and does you and your body systems so good!

Often I find myself active, busy, doing, and thinking, all of which can lead to holding the breath or breathing shallowly. Try to breathe deeply AND move your body to the rhythm of your breath. Breath comes first, then the movement follows. Link the two together. Then you will be practicing mindfulness/ yoga/ vinyasa — call it what you like — you’ll be tuned into your body and energy, refuel your energy, as well as become more relaxed!

Practice, Practice, Practice

Your teeth do not magically clean themselves by thinking about it nor wishing them clean – you have to brush! And not only brush once in a while, but for effectiveness, usually twice daily. This does not come as a surprise. Doesn’t it make sense then that the rest of your body and being should also require some sort of daily routine for health and wellness? Why are your teeth so important? (hahaha a rhetorical question!)

Schedule in your Practice of even 15-20 minutes once or twice a day is a great start! When you awaken and right before sleep are great times, or before meals. All you need to do is focus on ‘getting onto the mat/ cushion’ and then notice what you feel like doing and do that! The most important part is GETTING TO THE MAT.

There are many potent ‘practices’ that are proven to bring about positive changes within the body, mind and improve health, and can give you the time and space needed to feel ‘yourself’ and your rhythms:

  • Yogic breathing and deep breathing

  • Yoga nidra

  • Mindfulness and meditation

  • Body-mind practices like yoga postures, tai chi…

  • Self-massage

  • Other…

Get Outside

No matter which season, getting outdoors will help your whole being tune into the current season and weather. You will receive fresh moving air and the influence of the five elements Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether will be at your service to help you — who is like a tuning fork — to vibrate with the larger rhythms of nature.

Acclimatize to the season, weather, and elements is one of the biggest jobs your body is up to at any given time. You can assist in this process by being enveloped by nature to bring you into harmony and balance. Studies have been conducted on Forest Bathing in Japan where folks go out into to forest to be quiet and soak in the good vibes! It’s proven to reduce high blood pressure, lower stress hormones, and enhanced immunity. Being immersed in nature heals and balances us, bringing you into your natural rhythms, even in cities there are parks with trees and space to see the sky.


The benefits of finding and following your natural rhythms is feeling integrated within yourself, increased joy and ease, and healthier happier more well-adjusted you!

Find your rhythm again in Jennifer’s Daily Online Live and Rewind Classes for All Levels

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