
Radiant Being Blog

5 Easy ‘Calm and Collect’ Excercises

5 Easy ‘Calm and Collect’ Excercises

Esther is one of my inspiring yoga students! She sends me many interesting and heartfelt emails, one of which is this article that she has generously agreed to let me post here. I love these easy ways to bring 'Calm and Collect' into my...

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Adhara Receiving Mudra

Adhara Receiving Mudra

Adhara Mudra allows you to open to RECEIVE the ABUNDANCE that is already here, enhancing the ability to trust and boosting overall optimism and energy level to increase well-being. Opening to receive, you may feel and sense the grace of...

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Dog Plays ‘Dead’ Asleep To Avoid Vet

Dog Plays ‘Dead’ Asleep To Avoid Vet

This is so cute! Do you ever feel like just sleeping in, playing 'dead' and avoiding something you're not fond of doing? Totally normal! Especially with all the stresses of modern day life. Pets are very intelligent, and usually know a...

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Abhaya Varada Mudra

Abhaya Varada Mudra

Abhaya Varada Mudra helps to cultivate FEARLESSNESS and TRUST in what is to come. FIVE ELEMENTS: Abhaya Varada activates and awakens EARTH and WATER ELEMENTS which initiates a downward flow of energy and breath into the pelvis and legs,...

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VIDEO Bird’s Eye View Transitions in ICELAND

VIDEO Bird’s Eye View Transitions in ICELAND

Iceland is one big transition after another kindled by the mix of the elements: Earth + Water + Fire + Air + Ether = Beauty and continual change everywhere you look with the play of Elements. Relaxing music and a looooong sweet video...

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