Beauty Abounds WALKING MEDITATION + Reflections

Beauty Abounds WALKING MEDITATION + Reflections

This morning as I gazed out the kitchen window, I was amazed to see the most lit up juicy-pink sunrise, rolling like waves over the mountain, to warm the baron and colorless landscape. Beauty abounds! Even in this cold dark place, beauty can warm and heal, as it warmed my morning heart. It felt like myself and my husband Michael were the only souls there to see it, feel it, and to open our arms and hearts to the wonder. It was sacred and special and it felt like a gift from beyond.

Beauty is always here, but do we take the time to actually see and experience it? And then open the windows of our hearts to actually take in to receive the gift of beauty when we do find it? Earlier in my life, I thought ‘beauty’ was superficial and shallow. Spending lots of time in nature has shifted me: now I know beauty is intrinsic within everything created and is a sacred part of life.

I’m in awe of the spiral of a seashell, the architectural form of a winter tree, the graceful movement of a hand in expression. And what of the beauty of human experience: witnessing an act of kindness between two people, or feeling the fountain of joy within, and feeling calm and content inside (even if it’s only for a minute!).


When I am busy – which is a lot  – I certainly can overlook beauty. There have been times I’ve walked outside for ½ hour in nature immersed in the mosaic of my thoughts, only seeing my own ‘inner computer screen’ of flatness and current tasks. What a disappointment when I realize I’m walking back home again, realizing that I missed out on experiencing the vividness and the mystery of the present moment and its richness, and the mystery of nature.

Most times though, I realize the precious opportunity of being outdoors, and I actively look, see, feel, touch, smell, and receive the beauty around me with all of senses. I am amazed that in every kind of weather, and in every season, the natural world is extraordinary. Trust me, when you have two dogs, you really do get to experience EVERY kind of weather!

Last week, after a rough night that spilled into the morning, as it sometimes can, I felt heavy. I went about my morning practice, which often combines words and prayer with movement. My practice revealed a simple mantra for my day ‘Behold Beauty’. Indeed it was the perfect medicine that I used throughout my day. Anytime I got caught up in thoughts and emotions and heaviness, I stated my mantra ‘Behold Beauty’ both aloud and internally. And it shifted everything, often bringing tears to my eyes. It was as though the realization of the intrinsic beauty of everything actually melted away any sadness or frustration.

Throughout the day, when ever I walked — whether it was simply back and forth to my car, at work, around the house, or walking the dogs — I stated my mantra with my footsteps. This helped me to come back to the incredible present moment, and also go beyond the thinking mind into a place of wisdom. You can do this too with the instructions below.



We walk a lot! Anytime you’re walking can become a ‘walking meditation’ it simply requires mindfulness – being here now. As you walk from room to room in your house, walk to your car, into work or the store, or on a lovely walk outdoors:

Step normally with your Left foot, and state silently or aloud “Behold”. Step normally with your Right foot in silent openness. Then with your next Left step state “Beauty”.

Continue walking in this way everywhere you go for a day and notice what changes.


Behold Beauty Mudra Practice

Behold Beauty Five Element Yoga® Practice

Behold Beauty Mudra

Behold Beauty Mudra

“Grounded in my True Self, I behold beauty within and all around me.”

(left hand under right, hands are held in front of the heart like prayer mudra)

This mudra arose within my practice while I was on retreat in a deep meditative space. This is the first mudra that I’m sharing that came from within me! As a child we use to make little scenes inside of ½ a walnut shell with a little cotton ball fluff and small characters. What resulted was so precious and sweet.

My hands feel like they become that protective environment of the shell, and the thumbs — representing the ego, personality, thinking-mind aspect — are held, soothed, and nourished by the larger container of our whole Self. When the ego part of us is calm, only then does our compassionate heart — and higher-mind — have the ability arise within us to bring a sense of appreciation, receptivity and gratitude.

Nourishing and soothing to both heart and lungs, practicing Behold Beauty Mudra can raise your energy and breath upward into your chest to uplift your mood. Practicing this mudra can take you deeper inside your heartspace, increasing energy and vitality here where it’s required to be able to genuinely see AND receive beauty.


The easiest way to come into Behold Beauty Mudra is to first place your LEFT fingers underneath your RIGHT. Then bring your thumbs together like two doors held in the cradle of your hands. Bring hands in front of your chest to hold the mudra. Hold for 5-10 natural breaths repeating the phrase aloud and silently.


Behold Beauty – Five Element Yoga® Flow

Behold Beauty – Five Element Yoga® Flow

Awaken your ability to See and Receive Beauty with this easy and invigorating posture flow.

First, warm up your body with some backward shoulder rolls, head turns, then twist your body and arms side to side to the rhythm of your breath.


State phrases aloud or silently while you move to the rhythm of your breath:


A. EXHALE “Though at times I see nothing but my troubles and others suffering.”
Retreat and rest within in Child’s pose. Go inward. Invite and feel all feelings as they arise.





B. INHALE “Beauty in the world lifts and heals me.”
Smile and from Child pose sweep your arms up overhead. Open your arms like a flower in bloom welcoming beauty in.


Repeat A-B one to three times.






C. EXHALE “I look inward and find beauty fills me.”
Downward Dog: Bring your hands to the earth and press your hips up and back. Root your fingers and hands into the ground, and gaze toward your hips. Feel Earth’s grounding presence rooting and comforting you as a support for the act of looking inward.



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D. From Down Dog: step your Right foot forward and raise your arms into Anjanyasana (image below).






E. INHALE “I celebrate beauty all around me.”
Anjanyasana. Reach upward as the fountain of life and let your being be showered by vital energy of beauty all around you.Sweep your arms to the ground, and step back to Down Dog.

Repeat C-D-E one to three times on each side.





“My heart rests in beauty.”

Retreat in Savasana pose. Let go, smile, and feel your body resting in the palm of Mother Earth’s hands.




Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise or weight-loss program. The general information displayed here is not intended to substitute for or replace your healthcare professional.

Five Element Yoga®

Created by Jennifer Reis, Five Element Yoga® is a vibrant and colorful flowing practice that draws from Eastern traditions of yoga, Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. The result of practice both nourishes and balances your inner Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether elements to cultivate harmony and increase health. Five Element Yoga® invites you to celebrate your body with yoga postures, balance your energy with breathing and mudras, detoxify with self-massage, explore your creativity, and find deep rest and inner peace with Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra.

MORE INFO: Five Element Yoga®


Live Online Classes with Jennifer




Dear God, please reveal to us

your sublime


that is everywhere, everywhere, everywhere,

so that we will never again feel frightened.

my divine love, my love,

please let us touch

your face.

Rabia of Basra (c. 717-801) female Islamic Saint from the Sufi tradition





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