Singing Nun Video — Stunning!
This woman is living out my alter-ego! She is both a nun — and up on stage singing pop — with so much soul, heart and vibrance. I love the expressiveness of the very surprised judges she sings for in Italy.
This woman is living out my alter-ego! She is both a nun — and up on stage singing pop — with so much soul, heart and vibrance. I love the expressiveness of the very surprised judges she sings for in Italy.
I love these three mudras which allow you to go inward. This practice will enhance the release of inner limitations, allowing the wisdom of who you truly are to arise, and open you to new possibilities!
Hold each mudra for 5-10 natural breaths and repeat the statement aloud and then silently a few times.
Shunya means ‘empty’ and this mudra assists you to expand into openness in order to get a larger picture of who you are, raising the eternal question: ‘Who am I?’ Energy arises into the neck and throat – 5th Chakra – to clear blockages and release conditioned beliefs of the small self. Thyroid gland can comes into balance with enhanced circulation to the throat area. Space is created between the thoughts, helping you to loosen identification with them as who you are. Intuition is awakened so you may hear the guidance of your inner voice.
(Point your fingers towards your throat). Kali is the ‘Goddess of Purification’. Vishuddha chakra in the throat center translates as ‘purification’. As you clear out what is ‘not you’ through spiritual practice, limiting beliefs are also released that keep you from feeling free. Kali Mudra assists in bringing limiting beliefs to the surface to support awareness of them, being able to release beliefs, and also to integrate a new way of seeing yourself and the world. Tension may be released from the throat, vocal cords, neck, and shoulders to open a sense of limitlessness and inner quiet. Space Element can become balanced and intuition enhanced.
(Rest your hands in your lap comfortably). Ushas means ‘Dawn’. Ushas Mudra allows us to greet each day enthusiastically and more openly with fewer expectations and more trust in the natural flow of the world and our life. This can reduce stress and help one to cultivate positive attitudes. Practicing Ushas Mudra allows the breath to be naturally directed into the front of the torso, aiding a natural massaging motion that restores all systems of the body. As the mind is clears, calm mental clarity increases allowing you to rest easily within your true Self, opening to life as a field of possibility.
These mudras and information provided are modified from Mudras for Healing and Transformation by Joseph and Lilian LePage, Integrative Yoga Therapy.
Goals and resolutions – like New Year’s resolutions – have deadlines which, if they are not met can make us feel like we’ve failed. Our efforts can backfire, making us feel not better but worse. Or, using the example of resolving to lose weight, it may be accomplished, but we might not find what we were genuinely after, like to ‘feel healthy, happy and free’, and the weight comes back on anyway. Studies prove that New Year’s resolutions fail more than they succeed.
Setting ‘Intention’ is different. Intention has a deeper, more underlying effect on who we are and how we live our lives and can affect real change.
Intention, called ‘Sankalpa’ in Sanskrit, is an ancient yogic practice that is more akin to prayer and surrender, and less like making a goal or a resolution like a New Year’s resolution. Rather than setting a relative goal like ‘losing 10 pounds’, we are attempting to look beneath the desire to lose weight (or what you are desiring to change) to find what your heart is longing for. This is usually something deeper and more universal. For example, what could be underlying the desire for weight loss is actually the desire ‘to feel healthy, happy and free’. This is your Heart’s Intention Statment Sankalpa!
When you find your Heart’s Intention Statement, say it as the truth to yourself aloud and silently three times or more during the day, something like: “I am healthy, happy and free in every moment.” State your Intention, then let it go… When you get out of the way you surrender your intention to the greater forces within yourself and the universe to bring it to fruition.
When you want to make change in your life, or you are seeking your deeper wisdom, rest your hands on your heart and listen to the voice of your heart to uncover what you are truly seeking because there might be something underneath a primary desire. Take time with your heart…
From your heart’s wisdom, create your intention statement based on your heart’s message – in positive words and present tense. Something like:
State your ‘Heart’s Intention Statement’ throughout your day silently and out loud three or more times.
Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation and a very powerful tool for creating change within yourself. One of the 8-stages of this practice helps you to find your heart’s longing and create your statement. Because you are in a higher meditative mind-state during meditation, it can help to open the doorway for you to both hear, and be transformed, by your heart’s inherent wisdom. Your Heart’s Intention can descend deep within you as a seed that is able to root, receive nourishment and blossom into positive changes within you and your life!
Join Jennifer to create your Heart’s Intention in the yoga and yoga nidra CLASSES, WORKSHOPS, SERIES, RETREATS and TRAININGS.