
The Navel Chakra located on the sacrum low back and navel is called Swadhistana meaning 'inner dwelling place' in Sanskrit. Activating the Navel Chakra with breathing, mudras and posture practice is important because among other things, it is the feminine self-nourishing vitality that helps balance overwork, overthinking, and being over active. Navel Chakra practice can help bring you back into harmony, calm and cool grace within yourself. I hope you...
The Earth Element and the Root Chakra are intricately connected. The Earth element symbolizes stability and grounding, mirroring the foundational role of the Root Chakra which is located at the base of the body between the sitting bones. Balancing both the Earth Element and Root Chakra are crucial for establishing a strong foundation, fostering resilience, and promoting a stable physical body and mental-emotional live. I hope you enjoy this Mudras...
July 31, 2021
'Dharma' refers to the Wheel of the Eternal, and 'Chakra' is a vortex or wheel of energy that resides in the central axis of the torso in the energy body. This mudra assists full breathing and flow of energy through the entire torso, especially nourishing the Chakra Wheels of Energy.  The results can help to balance all the systems of the body, and facilitate an overall sense of wholeness and...
June 27, 2021
'Vajra' means diamond in Sanskrit. Practicing this mudra directs breath and energy into the third chakra called Manipura, the 'city of gems': I find this name gives both an amazing visual and feeling of light, sparkling radiance within this potent center! I hope you enjoy touching into your inner spark. "The Light of My Inner Gems Guides Me" HOW TO: Hands float in front of the solar area just below...