
June 19, 2021
Shunya means ‘empty; zero’ and thus can help to bring one into Beginner's Mind where every possibility exists.   “I Empty Out to Feel the Completeness of Who I Am.”   HOW TO: Middle fingers touch down to the center of the palm (interestingly this is also an energy point in Traditional Chinese Medicine that calms and clears the thoughts). Thumbs hold the middle fingers in place. You can hold...
June 4, 2021
Jnana means ‘Wisdom’ and this mudra allows you to open to your whole and complete self, represented by the CIRCLE of your index finger joined with the thumb. Often we are held back by limiting beliefs that no longer serve us or the world. Practicing Jnana mudra will help you to let go what is old, and open in the spirit of Beginner's Mind, enhancing your ability to see with...
Ushas means ‘Dawn’ and this mudra helps you to greet each day joyfully, with more openness, and fewer expectations. Energetically, all Five Elements are represented in each of the five fingers. In this mudra, all five fingers and elements come into connection to recircuit your vital energy, increasing ease and openness. This mudra will allow you to cultivate trust in the natural flow of the world, and your life.  ...
March 31, 2021
This mudra can enhance your digestive potency in a balanced and steady way, as well as allowing you to 'digest' experiences in the mental-emotional level. “My Purifying Fire Boosts My Radiant Vitality.” HOW TO: Hands are held in front of the solar plexus area, with fingers pointing forward. Hold for 5-10 natural breaths. State the intention statement three times out loud, then silently. Notice how you feel in body, mind,...