Yoga Wisdom + Inspiration

Since the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine transcend the confines of gender, they belong to us all. Every soul, no matter its earthly form, has the right and the power to dance with both femininity and masculinity. A man, with grace, can cradle the softness of the feminine, and a woman, with strength, can wield the might of the masculine. Each heart, every spirit, free and wild, may express...
The Navel Chakra located on the sacrum low back and navel is called Swadhistana meaning 'inner dwelling place' in Sanskrit. Activating the Navel Chakra with breathing, mudras and posture practice is important because among other things, it is the feminine self-nourishing vitality that helps balance overwork, overthinking, and being over active. Navel Chakra practice can help bring you back into harmony, calm and cool grace within yourself. I hope you...
The art of paper cutting began in China in the 4th century, not long after paper was first invented by Ts'ai Lun in the year 105 CE. Paper cutting as an art form slowly spread around the globe. The Japanese form called Kirie is still practiced today. I love watching artist Masayo Fukuda as she meticulously wields her exacto blade, imagining the meditative state that must accompany such focused practice....
Grief is a natural response to loss, change, and transition. It can be loss of a loved one, pet, job, war, way of life and more. This can manifest in many different ways, both emotionally and physically. Working with grief is a deeply personal and individual process. In Traditional Chinese Medicine autumn season with it's Metal Element corresponds to the Lung and Large Intestine energy channels and organ systems. Each...