Yoga Wisdom + Inspiration

October 23, 2022
We are so grateful that our 3 dogs are in good health, happy and on the mend! They have all had major surgery, and some new illnesses developing in the past few months, with two major surgeries in just the past few days. I asked the universe to help me, asking for presence, but more like: "Presence, Please? Presence." And for the most part, this request and prayer has tremendously...
Beautiful drum and song with Gii Taa'se Singers Native American Intertribal Drum Group Mohican, Menominee, Oneida, Ojibwa /Family Drum and Friends at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health mansion lawn, October 8, 2022. [video width="406" height="720" mp4=""][/video]      
“Happiness is impermanent, like everything else. In order for happiness to be extended and renewed, you have to learn how to feed your happiness. Nothing can survive without food, including happiness; your happiness can die if you don’t know how to nourish it." -Thich Nhat Hanh Always looking for ways to reduce suffering in a conscious way, I was very inspired by Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh's list of 5...
May 15, 2022
We are part of a lineage, a stream of intention and creation whose fountain springs from our ancestors. Their lives have been lived and completed with a beginning-middle-end. And yet, something of them lives within each of us. Their forces have had a hand in shaping us. It’s a beautiful idea, to see ourselves as a stream, as a lineage, and important to remember and honor those who came before...