Yoga Wisdom + Inspiration

September 2, 2015
Gifts from Norman Reis Norman Reis, 92 years old, a few days before passing. I feel so honored to have witnessed during the past year the biggest and most graceful letting go ever imaginable: witnessing my father-in-law Norman Reis let go of his life on earth. He had already let go of so much — his wife of 69 years who passed two years before, most of his possessions after...
Contentment – the state of happiness and satisfaction – means feeling settled in your body, having peace in your heart and calmness of mind. That can be pretty difficult to attain, and more challenging still to live in that place each moment! Contentment is wanting what you have, and loving and accepting who you are now; rather than wanting what you don’t have or thinking you should be different than...
Recently, I felt my energy depleted, partially due to the negative mantra in my head saying ‘There’s not enough time’. Does this sound familiar to you? It’s neither a useful nor correct belief, because there’s always enough time for what is important. In fact, likely there is something that could be dropped from one's daily life that eats up a lot of precious time. Learning to say ‘no’ to what...