
May 1, 2017
“I Open to Receive the Infinite" Open your palms and allow the Infinite to fill you. Adhara means 'foundation' referring to the wellspring of all abundance. This mudra helps to direct energy and breath to the solar center deepening and cultivating connection with vital energy and potency. Practicing this mudra can help increase awareness through the compassion, receptivity and acceptance within your heartspace; and improve the alertness of the senses...
April 4, 2017
“Released from constriction, I am filled with radiant energy.” The ‘Expanded Breath’ mudra. Hands are held in front of your heart with middle fingernails pressed together. Breath capacity can be naturally lengthened and expanded through the heart center, chest and into the entire body increasing Air Element with this mudra. The diaphragm can expand with more freedom and this in turn helps to energize, revitalize and bring enthusiasm into your...
March 2, 2017
My favorite statement of Swami Kripalu is: "The highest spiritual practice is Self-observation with compassion and without judgment." This is also one of the most difficult practices to do! Karuna Mudra can help your heart and chest to soften, allowing you to tap into the deep wellspring of your heart. Karuna means 'compassion' and gives us the ability to see ourselves and others in a compassionate light. As one hand...
March 2, 2017
Kubera refers to the qualities represented by the lord of 'wealth, wisdom and the remover of obstacles'. Kubera mudra helps to your blocks to be allows you to unfold your fullest potential! "My Inner Golden Light Sparkles, Opening Me to My Potential." HOW TO: With both hands, curl all of your fingers into the centers of your palms. Extend pointer and middle fingers to touch thumb tips. Rest hands upward...