
September 29, 2019
Held at the heart, Kaleshvara allows you to feel the balance of both compassion and wisdom that resides here in your heart. 'Kala' is thought to be Time personified, and is associated with the god Shiva and goddess Kali. “Wisdom and Compassion Meet in the Home of My Heart.” FIVE ELEMENTS: Activates and awakens Air and Ether Elements bringing a sense of openness, breath, and unified connection with all that...
September 3, 2019
Trimurti Mudra instills a sense of inner quiet and peace within. It's specifically helpful with learning to flow with life's transitions. As human beings in a path and on our journeys, we are always flowing through some sort of change. What transitions are you in right now? Spend time holding Trimurti Mudra to honor your changes and transitions with Grace, as best you can, instead of pushing, resisting, or wishing...
May 1, 2019
REFRESH YOUR SENSES Ishvara Mudra both reduces stress and refreshes the senses. We can get bombarded by sensory stimulation from the modern world and practicing this mudra allows you to turn your attention inward. This induces 'Pratyahara', the withdraw of the senses which is the first step to being able to get quiet, reflect and to meditate. You will be calmed and soothed, reduce tensions and troubles to rest in...
April 2, 2019
This mudra instills a sense of energized alignment within the earth-sky axis. 'Meru' sacred mountain, 'danda' meaning staff, and Merudanda the name of the spinal column: together representing the central axis of energy in the body, balanced with stability and center. ALL FIVE ELEMENTS: Activates and awakens Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether Elements bringing energized harmony within. Hold your hands in loose fists with thumbs pointing skyward, resting on...