
December 31, 2020
Mushtikam Mudra supports you by enhancing the fire, willpower and determination needed to stick with practices and disciplines that you have chosen for growth and transformation. “Through Compassionate Discipline, My Inner Radiance Blooms." Hands are held in front of the solar area, thumbs upward. Hold for 5-10 natural breaths. State the affirmation three times out loud, then silently. Notice how you feel. (*Caution for hypertension or hyperactive digestion: practice Vajra...
October 30, 2020
Adhara Mudra allows you to open to RECEIVE the ABUNDANCE that is already here, enhancing the ability to trust and boosting overall optimism and energy level to increase well-being. Opening to receive, you may feel and sense the grace of all things. FIVE ELEMENTS: Adhara Mudra activates and awakens EARTH, WATER & FIRE ELEMENTS which initiates a downward flow of energy helping you to feel your foundational base of support....
October 2, 2020
Abhaya Varada Mudra helps to cultivate FEARLESSNESS and TRUST in what is to come. FIVE ELEMENTS: Abhaya Varada activates and awakens EARTH and WATER ELEMENTS which initiates a downward flow of energy and breath into the pelvis and legs, to feel a sense of grounding, weightedness, and calm. “I move forward without fear, in complete safety.” Hold Abhaya Varada Mudra with Left hand in front of the belly, and Right...
August 2, 2020
'Precious Jewel' For Global Inner Healing Mani Ratna means 'precious jewel' helping to awaken you to the inner jewel of your being, your True Self. Real health is living from the place of radiant joy which awakens the more one is attuned to inherent wholeness. This requires the release of negative limiting beliefs that keeps one small. “My Inner Jewel Awakens Radiant Healing.” FIVE ELEMENTS: Mani Ratna activates and awakens...