I Allow Mudra

I Allow Mudra

“I allow everything to be exactly as it is.”

Our possibilities increase when we allow everything to be exactly as it is in each unfolding moment. Allow Mudra came to me from an experience of feeling boxed in within my own self-imposed expectations. I was trying to make everything unfold according to how I wanted it – never a good idea. It’s a good idea to set one’s intention, then let the dance of the universe flow with you!


This mudra helps me to sense the openness of my heart. The chest expands to optimize full and proper breathing. Palms facing upward are a gentle surrender to this present moment, however it unfolds!


The lung energy channel according to traditional Chinese medicine runs under the collarbones, across the shoulders and down the arms to the thumbs, and is stretched and opened by practicing Allow Mudra. Heart and pericardium energy channels and energy points that run through the arms and also center of the palms, are opened to the sky, in a posture of receptivity. This allows both lung and heart to come into greater health and wellness.


My understanding of the flows of life have changed since I’ve been regularly practicing Allow Mudra . I find myself practicing it when I remember it — and in those moments I’m usually amazed that life in that moment is FAR better than I could have ever imagined! The beauty of the day, observing my students coming into balance, green things growing, birds chirping, the air almost seeming to dance with energy and aliveness!


The other times I practice this mudra are when things are not going my way. This is my sweet medicine! In those moments, it truly helps me to let go of the ‘outcome’, and to be in the process of life’s momentary ups and downs. Thankfully, it helps me to somehow see the humor in these moments as well!



Hold the mudra for 5-10 natural breaths. Repeat the affirmation aloud and silently to yourself. Practice Allow Mudra numerous times a day to help bring you back into the natural order and flow of life’s movements that you are an important part of. 



VIDEO Miracle on 6 train

VIDEO Miracle on 6 train

The kind act of a man on a train who doesn’t know he’s being filmed makes her cry! And now we can all feel the love by watching this video. It makes you think – what joy it’s possible to give someone for so little. Inspiring!






I Allow Five Element Yoga Flow

I Allow Five Element Yoga Flow

Dvimukham Mudra

‘I Allow’ Five Element Yoga Flow assists you in opening your heart to let go into allowing this moment to be exactly as it is; and allowing you to be exactly who you are! Make modifications to make it work for your body and comfort levels.


1. DVIMUKHAM two faces mudra — hands are held in front of navel

“I allow each unfolding moment to be just as it is.”

In order to relax fully, it’s necessary to release concerns and worries. Not an easy thing to do! Dvimukham allows relaxation of body and mind as it slows the breath and directs it into the pelvis and belly for deep restoration. Also aids reproductive, elimination and urinary systems. Calming the nervous system, this mudra can bring relief from insomnia. Increases Earth and Water elements. Deep peace and well-being.

Hold for 5-10 natural breaths, then repeat phrase both aloud and silently. Mudras presented here are modified from the book Mudras for Healing and Transformation by Joseph and Lilian LePage.

State phrases aloud or silently while you move to the rhythm of your breath in these dynamic postures and repetitions:



2. INHALE “As I open I trust my body and breath…”

Hands on your legs, lift both your tail and heart upward to expand your front body. Inhale through your front torso nourishing each cell with oxygen and energy.

EXHALE “As I look inward and allow myself to be.”

Round your spine, tuck your tail, and relax your neck and head as you squeeze old air out of your lungs. Close your eyes and go inward trusting your inner knowing. Repeat 3-5 times.






3. BREATHE “I freely let go what does not serve me.”

Goddess: Deviasana pose. Legs wide apart and feet turned out 45’ with knees directly above the ankles. Arms bend 90’ in cactus arms. On each exhalation let go anything you no longer need downward through your feet and into the ground.
Take many breaths here.






4. INHALE “Trusting the ground that holds me…”

Hold your knees and breathe Earth energy up through your legs and feet. Trust the Earth to hold and support you.





EXHALE “I allow life to be exactly as it is.”

Let your exhale come from your belly as you twist to reach your right shoulder towards your left knee. Inhale back to center and then exhale to the other side. Repeat 3-5 times per side.




5. BREATHE “Fully supported, I am restored.”

Malasana: Earth Squat pose. From Goddess legs, lower your hips down towards the ground or sit on a block for extra comfort. Palms together in prayer pose, use your elbows to press your knees wider apart to comfort. Breathe restoration into every cell like delicious nectar.



6. BREATHE“My inner light shines freedom within me.”

Pascimottanasana: Forward bend pose. Bend your knees and sit tall. Wrap your arms under your knees clasping opposite elbows. Glue your belly and chest to your thighs. Flexing your feet, slowly press your heels away from you. Do not try to straighten the legs but rather focus on keeping belly and chest on the thighs.



7. BREATHE “Steady and supported, I allow life.”

Purvottonasana: Reverse Plank or Reverse Table pose. Sitting with your hands behind you and knees bent or legs straight, lift your hips. Either keep chin close to chest or slowly release your head back. Feel your strong bones and muscles supporting all of who you are.


9. BREATHE “Grounding presence calms my inner being.”
Rest as the child of the Earth that you are: calm, grounded, supported and loved.





Five Element Yoga is a vibrant and colorful flowing practice created by Jennifer Reis. She draws from Eastern traditions of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as Integrative Yoga Therapy and Kripalu Yoga. The result of practice both nourishes and balances your inner earth, water, fire, air, and ether elements to cultivate harmony and increase health. Join Jennifer for Five Element Yoga retreats: Martha’s Vineyard, Kripalu Center, and more!

Jennifer Reis Yoga©

Finding Your Rhythm

Finding Your Rhythm

by Jennifer Reis, E-RYT 500, C-IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist, Kripalu School of Yoga faculty.

The rhythms of the seasons and nature gloriously expressed through her Five Elements also live within our own bodies. Tuning into these forces can help give clues about finding your natural rhythm. As adults with so much to do and so many people to take care of, most often we are moving to a dis-jointed staccato-like rhythm directed from the ‘thinking mind’. This can be likened to a bird flying from here to there out of impulse and reaction or plain old flightiness!

With so much to do (which is a good thing, to have things to do in life!) how can we find our natural rhythms, and also follow those rhythms? Threefold help: Breathe Deeply, Practice, practice, practice, and Atune to the Rhythms of the Great Outdoors:

Breathe Deeply AND Move To Your Breath’s Rhythm

Breathing deeply is a direct route to your natural rhythms. While sitting, at the desk, standing, driving, take some deep belly breaths! It feels so good – and does you and your body systems so good!

Often I find myself active, busy, doing, and thinking, all of which can lead to holding the breath or breathing shallowly. Try to breathe deeply AND move your body to the rhythm of your breath. Breath comes first, then the movement follows. Link the two together. Then you will be practicing mindfulness/ yoga/ vinyasa — call it what you like — you’ll be tuned into your body and energy, refuel your energy, as well as become more relaxed!

Practice, Practice, Practice

Your teeth do not magically clean themselves by thinking about it nor wishing them clean – you have to brush! And not only brush once in a while, but for effectiveness, usually twice daily. This does not come as a surprise. Doesn’t it make sense then that the rest of your body and being should also require some sort of daily routine for health and wellness? Why are your teeth so important? (hahaha a rhetorical question!)

Schedule in your Practice of even 15-20 minutes once or twice a day is a great start! When you awaken and right before sleep are great times, or before meals. All you need to do is focus on ‘getting onto the mat/ cushion’ and then notice what you feel like doing and do that! The most important part is GETTING TO THE MAT.

There are many potent ‘practices’ that are proven to bring about positive changes within the body, mind and improve health, and can give you the time and space needed to feel ‘yourself’ and your rhythms:

  • Yogic breathing and deep breathing

  • Yoga nidra

  • Mindfulness and meditation

  • Body-mind practices like yoga postures, tai chi…

  • Self-massage

  • Other…

Get Outside

No matter which season, getting outdoors will help your whole being tune into the current season and weather. You will receive fresh moving air and the influence of the five elements Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether will be at your service to help you — who is like a tuning fork — to vibrate with the larger rhythms of nature.

Acclimatize to the season, weather, and elements is one of the biggest jobs your body is up to at any given time. You can assist in this process by being enveloped by nature to bring you into harmony and balance. Studies have been conducted on Forest Bathing in Japan where folks go out into to forest to be quiet and soak in the good vibes! It’s proven to reduce high blood pressure, lower stress hormones, and enhanced immunity. Being immersed in nature heals and balances us, bringing you into your natural rhythms, even in cities there are parks with trees and space to see the sky.


The benefits of finding and following your natural rhythms is feeling integrated within yourself, increased joy and ease, and healthier happier more well-adjusted you!

Find your rhythm again in Jennifer’s Daily Online Live and Rewind Classes for All Levels

Rolling Bridge Pose

Rolling Bridge Pose

With Jala Mudra.

Lay on your back and draw your knees into your chest. Rock side to side to massage your back- yummy! Soften and loosen your neck and back muscles.

Place your feet down close to your buttocks and close together so they almost touch. You may like to place a block between your thighs on the narrowest level to help you feel more grounded and stable. Reach your fingertips toward your heels, palms up and come into Jala Mudra (little finger presses against thumb).

Press down into your feet firmly like you are about to stand up to activate your legs. Lengthen your tailbone towards your heels and slowly lift your hips up into the air as you inhale. Then as you exhale, lower one vertebrae at a time, like a string of pearls softly lowered onto a table.

  • Inhale lengthen tailbone, press into feet, float hips upward silently stating “Tuned to my rhythms…”
  • Exhale roll slowly down stating “I flow into Inner Harmony.”
  • Repeat many times.

Finish on your back with knees into your chest and rock side to side again. Notice your body’s natural rhythms.


Possible Benefits

  • Stretches the chest, neck, and spine; strengthens thighs, glutes, and triceps.
  • May calms the mind to alleviate stress or mild depression.
  • Stimulating and balancing for thyroid, lungs, reproductive and elimination systems.
  • Good for symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort; anxiety, fatigue, back soreness and insomnia.
  • Can be therapeutic for asthma, osteoporosis, and sinusitis.

Make sure your doctor knows you are practicing yoga and has given you the okay to do so. If you have a neck injury, please use caution or practice this with a certified yoga teacher.

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