
Immune Boosting Mudras

Immune Boosting Mudras

MUDRAS are 'seals' that can open us to new ways of seeing things, powerfully moving us beyond the level of the thinking mind. Energetically, when we hold a Mudra, it re-circuits energy pathways called Nadis or Meridians that are found throughout the body - the hands...

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Dharma Chakra Mudra

Dharma Chakra Mudra

'Dharma' refers to the Wheel of the Eternal, and 'Chakra' is a vortex or wheel of energy that resides in the central axis of the torso in the energy body. This mudra assists full breathing and flow of energy through the entire torso, especially nourishing the Chakra...

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Vajra Diamond Mudra

Vajra Diamond Mudra

'Vajra' means diamond and practicing this mudra awakens breath and energy in the solar area of the body, including the third chakra called Manipura, the 'City of Gems'. The name gives both an amazing visual image and feeling of light, sparkling radiance within center...

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Shunya Mudra

Shunya Mudra

Shunya means "empty" or "zero" and is a gateway to the Beginner's Mind—a state of openness and infinite possibility where preconceptions and attachments fall away. In this space one's True Self may become more apparent as this shedding the layers of ego and false...

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Jnana Mudra Wisdom

Jnana Mudra Wisdom

Jnana means ‘Wisdom’ and this mudra allows you to open to your whole and complete self, represented by the CIRCLE of your index finger joined with the thumb. Often we are held back by limiting beliefs that no longer serve us or the world. Practicing Jnana mudra will...

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Ushas Mudra: Opening to Transformation

Ushas Mudra: Opening to Transformation

Ushas means ‘Dawn’ and this mudra helps you to greet each day joyfully, with more openness, and fewer expectations. Energetically, all Five Elements are represented in each of the five fingers. In this mudra, all five fingers and elements come into connection to...

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Achala Agni Mudra

Achala Agni Mudra

This mudra can enhance your digestive potency in a balanced and steady way, as well as allowing you to 'digest' experiences in the mental-emotional level. “My Purifying Fire Boosts My Radiant Vitality.” HOW TO: Hands are held in front of the solar plexus area, with...

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Mushtikam Mudra

Mushtikam Mudra

Mushtikam Mudra supports you by enhancing the fire, willpower and determination needed to stick with practices and disciplines that you have chosen for growth and transformation. “Through Compassionate Discipline, My Inner Radiance Blooms." Hands are held in front of...

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Adhara Receiving Mudra

Adhara Receiving Mudra

“I trust I receive everything I need, each step of my journey.” Adhara Mudra invites you to receive the abundance that already surrounds you, deepening trust and uplifting your energy and outlook. Yet, trusting and receiving are not always easy—doubt and resistance...

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Abhaya Varada Mudra

Abhaya Varada Mudra

“I Move Forward Without Fear, Grounded in Trust.” This is known as the 'fearless mudra' and has helped my fears dissipate on numerous occasions when I remember to practice it in an intense moment! Abhaya Varada Mudra helps to cultivate trust in what is to come....

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