Mandala Mudra Circle of Inner Wholeness

Mandala Mudra Circle of Inner Wholeness

“I am Whole and Complete exactly as I am.”

One of my all-time favorite mudras, Mandala helps to make me feel a settled feeling in both my belly and my mind. It brings me into the present moment, beautiful moment, to simply be – without needing or trying to do something or get somewhere! I feel whole and content… mmmmmmmm. It helps me to realize how much action and force I’m putting into my life and reminding me that its great to have moments of resting in ‘be-ing’.

Left hand rests underneath Right hand. Hands rest in the lap or are held in front of the navel.

Mandala mudra is one of the few mudras that both brings energy to and balances all chakra wheels of energy, all vayu energy currents, all elements and doshas!

  • Stimulates whole body breathing
  • Fosters health in the entire body and all systems
  • Balances will and surrender
  • Feelings of Unity within oneself and connection to others and the world


Begin with 5-10 natural breaths and increase the number of breaths weekly to your practice. Mandala mudra can be used for extended seated meditation (5-30mins).


These mudras and the information provided are modified from Mudras for Healing and Transformation by Joseph and Lilian LePage, Integrative Yoga Therapy.

RADIANT Light Five Element Yoga® Flow

RADIANT Light Five Element Yoga® Flow

Enjoy this nourishing Five Element Yoga® flow includes breathing, mudras and easy yoga! Learn how to shine your radiant light through your body and energy channels. For all levels. 5-10 minutes (can be practiced longer by repeating sequences).



1. Dirgha Pranayama

Begin by resting your hands on your belly and heart, breathing Dirgha Three Part Breath. Expand breath through belly, ribs, collarbones, exaggerating your breath to fully inflate. Take five breaths.

2. Kapota Mudra

INHALE: Draw your fingertips together. Feel the altar of your heart.



3. Tejas Mudra

EXHALE: Open your fingers up to Tejas Light Mudra. Allow your heart light to radiate out into your being and out into the world.

(Repeat both mudras two to three more repetitions with breath.)


4. Seated Heart Expansion

Kneel on the floor or sit on a chair. INHALE: Expand your heart and chest by bending your elbow and turning the palms upward.





5. Uplift Your Light

EXHALE: Send your light upward as you rise up to radiate outward.

(Repeat 4 & 5 three times or more)










6. Sun Breath Table Twists

Place your hands in front of you on the floor and step your knees back into Table Pose. INHALE: Lift your Right arm up to the sun. EXHALE: Sweep your hand back down to the floor. INHALE: Lift Left EXHALE: Release down again.

(Repeat Right & Left lifts three or more times)



7. Energizing Crab Lifts

INHALE: Lean back on your hands and place your feet hip distance apart in front of you. Lift your hips off the floor an inch.





8. HA! Breath

EXHALE: Lift your hips upward and shout ‘HA!’ (like a karate kick sound).

(Repeat three times or more)




9. Rest and Reflect

Place your hands on belly and heart once again. Go inward and notice your breath and radiant light energy. Continue with your day beaming light everywhere you go!





Five Element Yoga® is a vibrant and colorful flowing practice created by Jennifer Reis. This potent practice realigns you with the rhythms of nature as you explore your inner five elements drawing from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, yoga and yoga therapy.

An all-levels yoga practice, Five Element Yoga® invites you to revitalize body with yoga postures, flow with yogic breathing, tune into your energy with mudras, detoxify with self-massage, deeply rest and rejuvenate in Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra, and integrate your discoveries with creative expression and reflection. More Info

Join Jennifer for Five Element Yoga® Daily Classes and Workshops and Five Element Yoga® Teacher Training.



Recommended practice on CD or MP3 download: Five Element Yoga®: All Levels Guided Yoga Practice and Deep Relaxation: Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra




*Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise or weight-loss program. The general information displayed here is not intended to substitute for or replace your healthcare professional.
Drinking Water

Drinking Water

Drinking more water daily is one of the easiest and best practices you can do to increase your health and comfort! Increasing WATER Element in your tissues helps them to do their jobs and to function even better.


If you are feeling:

  • creaky
  • tight muscles and soft tissues
  • aching joints or injuries
  • constipated
  • toxic
  • fatigue
  • weak
  • foggy thinking
  • unfocused mind
  • dull or wrinkled skin

Water may be your answer! I talk to many people who when they ache, they reach for anti-inflammatory meds before trying to drink more water! Water can be your medicine, and it has no side effects, is free and calorie-free.

If you have any pain or discomfort at all in your body, try drinking five times more water than you usually do for a few days, then see how your body feels.


Authorities usually recommend eight 8-ounce glasses (2 liters, or half a gallon). This is called the 8×8 rule and is very easy to remember. We have an easy trick to remember how much you are drinking throughout the day.

At my house we filter our water in the morning, filling 3 large mason jars each, and then throughout the day we drink from our own jars. We know we need to drink one+ in the morning, one+ in the afternoon, then the rest after dinner (1/2 jar or so in order to sleep without needing to arise to pee!). You’ll know how much you’ve drank and how much more you need to drink.

If you drink coffee or alcohol, increase the amount you drink as they both dehydrate and steal water from your body.

Happy Water Drinking!




VIDEO Old Movie Stars Dance!

VIDEO Old Movie Stars Dance!

These folks can show us how its done! Dancing is one of my favorite practices, and its so incredibly inspiring to watch the beautiful expressions of joy shining through the sparking souls in this video. It’s amazingly edited to the exact beat of uplifting Uptown Funk.




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