Five-Week Series – Live Online

WEDNESDAYS, October 4 – November 1

4:30-5:45pm ET (75-minute Sessions)

All-Levels – Including Beginners (gentle to moderate intensity)


INCLUDES: Video Access for All Sessions Through November 30.

PLUS: Meridian Five Element Yoga® Autumn-Metal Element WORKBOOK. This is a 50+page workbook new and unique for this Series.

Register Now $120.

DISCOUNT CODE If You Need It: REDUCE-BY-24 (20%) Click “Have a coupon?” at bottom of checkout (next page) and enter the code.

Increase Your Mental, Emotional and Physical Stability

In this Series, you will learn the location of the Autumn-Metal Element meridians (energy pathways) and receive guidance to decongest and activate your meridians in this potent practice that synthesizes Yoga and Traditional Chinese Medicine. 

As autumn leaves release to winds, this season offers you the opportunity to refresh by releasing what no longer is serving you. The coming of the cooler brisk air reminds us that it’s time to strengthen both our breathing and the Immune System in preparation for the colder months ahead. 

Deepen your knowledge and understanding of Metal Element as you are skillfully guided in an uplifting and complete Autumn Renewal practice in this special new Series with yoga therapist Jennifer Reis.

Benefits can be experienced after just one session as you detox and gently activate your vitality. Nourishing your Autumn-Metal Element meridians, you will nourish your whole being, feeling embodied and heart-centered peace within your being.

💙 Experience the potency of the Metal Element and its corresponding Lung and Large Intestine meridians and their main energy points. Our practice includes beautiful rhythmic movement, yoga postures, breathwork, mudras, energy channel self-massage, and yoga nidra.

💙 When Metal Element is out of balance, emotions like sadness, depression, grief, and numbness can surface. This may lead to a lack of enthusiasm, inspiration and willpower. Metal Element imbalance can cause overwhelm, lack of clarity, and the inability to make decisions. Becoming rigid and perfectionistic, lacking spontaneity can inhibit our feeling of freedom.

💙 Physical imbalances in Metal Element can leave us prone to a weakened immune system with the potential of increased respiratory issues, allergies, asthma, wheezing, colds, viruses, coughing, as well as digestive unrest. The chest may feel tight, and compassion in the heart closed off.

💙 Cultivating your Metal Element will aid you in strengthening your respiratory and immune systems. And you’ll love the nourishing progression of practice designed to decongest, nourish, and fortify you. The results will leave you feeling open, flowing and free, with greater clarity, purpose and intentionality. What is unnecessary in your life, and that which is worth retaining, will become more clear as you become a clear vessel of energy and grounding with uplifted outlook and attitude.

💙 Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra will complete each session, with special Autumn journeys for the season. All you do is lie down and listen to receive deep nourishment through this guided meditation with Jennifer’s relaxing voice accompanied by inspiring music. 

Revitalize for Autumn Season with Ancient Techniques

What you’ll get:

🤍 5 Sessions: One hour and fifteen-minute Live-Online Sessions with Jennifer.

🤍 Each Session will focus on activating Metal Element meridians with yoga postures, rhythmic movement, special breathing, shiatsu self-massage, and relaxation meditation.

🤍 Yoga Nidra deep relaxation completes each session to seal in the lasting effects of our practices.

🤍 Interactive Q&A and Community Sharing: Connect with Jennifer and fellow students after class to deepen your understanding and insights.

🤍 Accessible Recordings: Deepen your practice with access to recordings of all sessions through November 1.

🤍 Mudra Journey Through the Five Elements WORKBOOK (50+page pdf): You’ll enjoy this exclusive resource written by Jennifer for your continued practice and reference.

🤍Helpful tips, instructions, and modifications.

🤍 A loving and light atmosphere with an expert Certified Yoga Therapist, Licensed Massage and Shiatsu Therapist.

Five Element Yoga® is developed by Jennifer Reis, weaveing together the rich traditions of yoga, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, yoga therapy, massage therapy, based on nature’s inherent wisdom. The purpose is to cultivate balance and harmony within one’s body, mind, and heart to embody wellness.   

What People Say:

“Your teaching and presence brings me light, freshness, enthusiasm and knowledge, and is very instrumental for my growth as a yoga teacher and as a human being. I appreciate who you are, your work, depth and attention to the details.” ~ Cristina

“Thank you, Jennifer! It was a joy to be able to attend this wonderful series.”~ Suzanne

“I have grown dramatically in my personal practice, and your classes have given me so much wonderful material to bring to my teaching.  A very heartfelt thank you! ~ Bonny

Register Now $120.

DISCOUNT CODE If You Need It: REDUCE-BY-24 (20%) Click “Have a coupon?” at bottom of checkout (next page) and enter the code.

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