SIX-WEEK Series – Live Online

WEDNESDAYS, November 15 – December 20

4:30-5:45pm ET (75-minute Sessions)

All-Levels – Including Beginners (gentle to moderate intensity)


❤ INCLUDES: Video Access for All Sessions Through January 31.

INCLUDES: Sacred Rivers: Energy Currents for Chakra Vitality WORKBOOK. This is a 50+page workbook for this Series, created by Jennifer, for continued reference and home practice.

Register Now $140.

Coupon Code 20% If You Need It: REDUCE-BY-24 Enter code at bottom of checkout page.

Tap into Sacred Energy Flows to Power Your Chakras

Five Sacred Rivers flow through the intricate web of our body’s energy field, delivering vital life-force energy. When our Chakra Wheels, are potentized by these energy currents, optimal wellness and balance is possible — not only in the physical — but also within our energetic, and mental-emotional levels of being.

Known as the ‘Five Prana Vayus’ in Sanskrit, these potent directional energy streams serve as the driving force behind the functioning of our Chakra wheels. When these currents are obstructed or out of balance, this can manifest as physical ailments, emotional turbulence, and mental health challenges.

In this special new series with Jennifer Reis — certified yoga therapist and licensed massage therapist — you will learn how to powerfully awaken your energy currents to revitalize the Chakras. Be expertly guided in this special Five Element Yoga® practice that weaves together mudras, breathing, self-massage, yoga postures, rhythmic movement and yoga nidra. You will be amazed at how much better your energy flows, and your body, mind and heart feel!

This transformative series extends beyond physical exercises and yoga techniques. It represents a profound journey toward heightened vitality and embracing life with an open and awakened spirit.

Each session will complete with a Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra guided meditation focusing on your Chakras and Sacred Rivers. Lying down, you will be guided by Jennifer’s melodic voice accompanied by relaxing music, creating a space within you for nurturing rest and deep healing, allowing you to reset and renew.

Reignite Your Energy Field for Chakra Radiance

In this Series you will:

🔆 Gain understanding of the Chakras from a new perspective of their health and activation.

🔆 Fuel the Energy Currents to circulate your energy and decongest blockages with guided Five Element Yoga®.

🔆 Boost your vital energy and flow to increase health, wellness and prevention.

🔆 Recognize your Energy Body with the wisdom of yoga and Ayurveda.

🔆 Learn to incorporate knowledge of the Energy Currents into your yoga practice to enhance your comfort and overall ease in postures.

🔆 Gain thoughtful understanding of yourself, and your underlying subtleties to deeply connect within yourself.

🔆 Become more at home in your body, breath and energy. 

🔆 Learn to calm your mind, settle your emotions, and regulate your energy. 

Infuse Vitality, Health, and Harmony into Your Chakras

Register Now $140.

Coupon Code 20% If You Need It: REDUCE-BY-24 Enter code at bottom of checkout page.

What you will receive:

🤍 Six Sessions: One hour and fifteen-minute Live-Online Sessions with Jennifer.

🤍 Each Session will focus on specific ways to revitalize our Chakras with Vayu Energy Currents in Five Element Yoga® practice: breathing, postures, mudras, self-massage, and meditation.  

🤍Yoga Nidra – Deep relaxation completes each session to restore you to the fullest, sealing in the lasting effects of our practices.  

🤍 Interactive Q&A and Community Sharing: Connect with Jennifer and fellow students after class to deepen your understanding and insights and be social.

🤍 Recordings: Deepen your practice with access to recordings of all sessions through January 31.

🤍 WORKBOOK: Sacred Rivers: Energy Currents for Chakra Vitality (50+page pdf): For continued practice, learning and reference.

🤍Helpful tips, instructions, and modifications.

🤍 A loving and light atmosphere with an expert Certified Yoga Therapist, Licensed Massage and Shiatsu Therapist.

You will leave feeling rejuvenated and refreshed, with a sense of vitality and inner calm. This practice can be incorporated into daily life as a tool for promoting free flow of energy and improved health, and can be particularly helpful for those dealing with stress, anxiety, and other forms of tension or imbalance.

Five Element Yoga® is developed by Jennifer Reis, weaveing together the rich traditions of yoga, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, yoga therapy, massage therapy, based on nature’s inherent wisdom. The purpose is to cultivate balance and harmony within one’s body, mind, and heart to embody wellness.   

What People Say:

“Your teaching and presence brings me light, freshness, enthusiasm and knowledge, and is very instrumental for my growth as a yoga teacher and as a human being. I appreciate who you are, your work, depth and attention to the details.” ~ Cristina

“Thank you, Jennifer! It was a joy to be able to attend this wonderful series.”~ Suzanne

“I have grown dramatically in my personal practice, and your classes have given me so much wonderful material to bring to my teaching.  A very heartfelt thank you! ~ Bonny

Register Now $140.

Coupon Code 20% If You Need It: REDUCE-BY-24 Enter code at bottom of checkout page.

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