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Yoga Nidra Journey

Equinox: Spirit of the Five Elements

Thursday, September 21, 8:00 – 9:00pm ET

LIVE-ONLINE on Zoom. Eastern Time.

All-levels For Everyone! Includes 3-Day Video Access

Discount Codes If You Need Them: 15-PERCENT-OFF or 25-PERCENT-OFF Click “Have a coupon?” at bottom of checkout (next page) and enter the code.

Autumn Equinox prompts us to recognize our intrinsic link with the natural world and its abundant offerings. At this moment of shift, balance and introspection, it’s the perfect time to appreciate the interconnectedness between ourselves and others, and humans with the natural world.

In our yoga nidra you will begin by imagining a calming circle of loved ones in your heart, feeling part of something greater and connected with all beings. This sense of connection and unity propels you on your journey as we wander into nature to visit each of the Five Elements, receiving gifts from each one.

Leaping across stepping-stones, feeling strong, you absorb the essence of the Earth… crossing a stream receiving the gift of Water… the sunlit meadow receiving clarity from Fire element where you rest and enjoy nature’s glory all around you… leaves in the breeze and the symphony of birdsong, you notice a little orange and red amongst the green… the cosmos, sun, Earth and everything aligning on this day of Balance and you feel your inner balance resetting. You feel a profound connection with who you truly are and the sensation of unity and oneness remains as you re-enter your surroundings, aware, strong, and ready to move, filled with acceptance and love for yourself and all beings.

ENJOY A NEW Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra JOURNEY WITH Jennifer EVERY WEEK

Receive the Gift of Inner Connection and Deep Relaxation

Jennifer Reis has been leading yoga nidra classes, workshops, retreats and trainings for 27 years. One of the foremost teachers of yoga nidra, Jennifer will skillfully lead you in this relaxing and joyful 1-hour practice.

We will begin with a short discussion, instructions, and hand mudra to help us get centered. Then you’ll be guided through a new and unique 45-minute Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra created by Jennifer.

Receive deep healing rest through this lying down, guided meditation with Jennifer’s calming voice accompanied by inspiring music. You will be led through your five ‘kosha’ levels, allowing healing and restoration within every aspect of your being. This includes body sensing, heart’s intention, breath meditation, positive emotions, and journeying into landscapes and nature, healing and bliss.

Yoga nidra is proven to heal your body and mind by shifting you into the natural healing parasympathetic mode.

“Beautiful journey tonight Jenny. Thank you so much. I feel deeply relaxed.” – Amy

Register Now $15.

DISCOUNT CODES If You Need Them: 15-PERCENT-OFF or 25-PERCENT-OFF Click “Have a coupon?” at bottom of checkout (next page) and enter the code.

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