I had forgotten that I could feel like that

I had forgotten that I could feel like that

Thank you very much for the live guided yoga nidra. I had forgotten that I could feel like that. It keeps making me tear up – just thinking about it.  Thank you for helping me to relax and for doing this.  I really appreciate it. Thank you! You have a truly beautiful voice and manner, so soothing. Thank you for providing a way to calm, restore, and heal during this time.
Jennifer Reis Yoga
Thank you very much for the live guided yoga nidra. I had forgotten that I could feel like that. It keeps making me tear up – just thinking about it.  Thank you for helping me to relax and for doing this.  I really appreciate it. Thank you! You have a truly beautiful voice and manner, so soothing. Thank you for providing a way to calm, restore, and heal during this time.

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