INCLUDES: Video Access for All Sessions Through September 15.

INCLUDES: You Will Receive MIND-CLEARING Five Element Yoga® for Inner Peace WORKBOOK. This is a 50+page workbook new and unique for this Series.

Register Now $120.

Original Presentation:

WEDNESDAYS, July 12 – August 9,

4:30-5:45pm ET (75-minute Sessions)

All-Levels – Including Beginners



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Empty the Mind to Calm the Heart

Do you sometimes find yourself overwhelmed by thoughts? trapped by self-doubt? exhausted from stress? distracted? ensnared by unproductive thought patterns? Such mental unrest is common, and it can lead to depression, anxiety, insomnia, physical discomfort, and even illness.

In this unique series, Jennifer Reis — experienced yoga and yoga nidra teacher, yoga therapist, massage therapist, and long-time meditation practitioner — offers powerful and effective strategies to clear your mind, leading you back to your calm and genuine self.

This transformative Series is more than just a collection of physical exercises and meditation techniques—it is a journey towards an open heart, the home of compassion, and a clear mind, the source of profound wisdom. This combination fosters true inner harmony.

You will enjoy practices specifically chosen for Mind-Clearing effectiveness:

  • Pranayama breathwork
  • Flowing movement and yoga poses
  • Self-massage and key acupressure points
  • Mudras accompanied by affirmations
  • Tibetan singing bowls, sound healing, and seed words
  • Metta Loving-Kindness meditation
  • Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra guided meditation (20 minutes per session)

Feel Serene and Calm, Centered and Open

What you’ll get:

🤍 5 Sessions: 75-minute Sessions with Jennifer Reis.

🤍 Each Session you will be guided in Five Element Yoga® and Yoga Nidra for Mind-Clearing.   

🤍 Q&A and Community Sharing offered after each Session.

🤍 Recordings of all Sessions available to you through Sept. 15.

🤍 Mind-Clearing Five Element Yoga® WORKBOOK 50-pgs Exclusive to this Series, for continued practice and reference.

🤍 Helpful tips, instructions, and modifications.

🤍 A loving and light atmosphere with an expert teacher, Certified Yoga Therapist, Licensed Massage and Shiatsu Therapist.

I hope you’ll join me for this new Mind Clearing Series You’ll find yourself buoyed by an enhanced sense of peace, heightened awareness, and an inner radiance that pervades your daily life. You’ll become more equipped to navigate life’s waves with grace and resilience, experience deeper and more restful sleep, and feel a profound sense of harmony with yourself.

“A beautiful, inspiring, healing experience, dear Jennifer. Deeply grateful.” ~ Linda

“Your yoga and teaching style sings to my soul.” ~ Trudy

Register Now $120.

DISCOUNT CODE If You Need It: REDUCE-BY-24 (20%) Click “Have a coupon?” at bottom of checkout (next page) and enter the code.

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