You are my steadying spirit

You are my steadying spirit

Dear Jennifer, Please know how grateful I am for your generous and deeply effective offering. You are my steadying spirit: My daughter works in an ER in Asheville & husband works at a hospital 3 days a week. I went from sleeping 1.5 hours a night to my best sleep in years. Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra is Pure Meditation. With a bow- 🙏🏻
Jennifer Reis Yoga
Dear Jennifer, Please know how grateful I am for your generous and deeply effective offering. You are my steadying spirit: My daughter works in an ER in Asheville & husband works at a hospital 3 days a week. I went from sleeping 1.5 hours a night to my best sleep in years. Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra is Pure Meditation. With a bow- 🙏🏻

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