Nature Bliss

Iceland is one big transition after another kindled by the mix of the elements: Earth + Water + Fire + Air + Ether = Beauty and continual change everywhere you look with the play of Elements. Relaxing music and a looooong sweet video offered here for you to slow down, observe nature, and receive the gifts change brings. Click image below for video:  
August 2, 2020
Please enjoy this video of the play of light - our precious light - the beauty of the night time sky, the sun coming and going each day - and now the days becoming longer once again. I am reminded of the sacredness of the Winter Solstice and the celebration of the light with these words: The Solstice is a time of quietude, of firelight, and dreaming, when seeds germinate...
The wonder and beauty of nature is refreshing, beautiful and a miracle! Relaxing piano music and flowers blooming for a whole hour. Bring some ease into your day now.  
Wow this is so interesting! How DO they sleep in space? Cute video with Chris in Canada shows us how its done! (I can imagine if they had yoga nidra pumped into their sleep stations it would improve their sleep too!)