
"Fully present in my body, I am here now." Murti means body, form, in Sanskrit, and allows the breath to settle into the pelvis to support balance, stability, and comfort within the body and mind. Grounding, rooting and feeling your connection to the Earth helps to support feeling present and embodied. The exhalation will be enhanced leading to greater relaxation and softening within the body. This is a great antidote...
February 28, 2016
This flow of mudras will allow you to calm and relax muscular tensions, inviting your senses to open to receive, as well as draw you inward to hear your own inner voice. Stilling and soothing the mind, this flow can lead you into feeling gratitude for all that is, improving your ability to genuinely listen to the voice of your heart, and truly hear others. HOW TO: Hold each mudra...
January 20, 2016
“Grounded in my True Self, I behold beauty within and all around me.” (left hand under right, hands are held in front of the heart like prayer mudra) This mudra arose within my practice while I was on retreat in a deep meditative space. This is the first mudra that I’m sharing that came from within me! As a child we use to make little scenes inside of ½ a...
I love these three mudras which allow you to go inward. This practice will enhance the release of inner limitations, allowing the wisdom of who you truly are to arise, and open you to new possibilities! Hold each mudra for 5-10 natural breaths and repeat the statement aloud and then silently a few times. Shunya Mudra “With greater openness, space is created for my true Self to emerge and guide...