
Laughter is the Best Medicine Laughter increases the intake of oxygen-rich air, activates the heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the 'feel good' endorphins that are released by your brain. Laughter also activates the vagus nerve and the stress response, helping you to relieve stress. Plus, it just feels good. I hope you laugh well and heartily at this very funny skit on yoga at the restaurant. It was sent...
Winter is time to slow down, rest, and pause between activities, giving your energy a chance to reset itself for the year. Water Element is an active force right now and it's time to nourish your Water Vitality. Listen to your body and take time for self-care with these helpful Five Element Yoga® suggestions. Go inward: practice quiet reflection and meditation. Light a candle. Try your best to not to...
Are your joints feeling achy, creaky and perhaps even painful? Try this flow to nourish your joints. Easy rotations will help to warm up the synovial fluid around the joint to make your movement more graceful, coordinated and effortless, like a clear mountain stream. You will decongest your joints and free up the vital life force through your energy channels. *Do take care, listening to your body and making modifications...
“Happiness is impermanent, like everything else. In order for happiness to be extended and renewed, you have to learn how to feed your happiness. Nothing can survive without food, including happiness; your happiness can die if you don’t know how to nourish it." -Thich Nhat Hanh Always looking for ways to reduce suffering in a conscious way, I was very inspired by Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh's list of 5...