
Grief is a natural response to loss, change, and transition. It can be loss of a loved one, pet, job, war, way of life and more. This can manifest in many different ways, both emotionally and physically. Working with grief is a deeply personal and individual process. In Traditional Chinese Medicine autumn season with it's Metal Element corresponds to the Lung and Large Intestine energy channels and organ systems. Each...
September 9, 2023
Restorative Five Element Yoga® uses props on the floor in order to release tensions and rest deeply while you are awake and aware. Each pose gently activates and balances specific elements within the Five Element systems in yoga and Traditional Chinese Medicine. RESTORATIVE TWIST POSE: Balances Fire & Earth Elements Sit with one hip touching the end of your bolster (or tall stack of 3 pillows, blankets, or large couch...
Numerous studies have provided evidence that Metta Loving-Kindness meditation has the ability to restructure the brain in a positive way. Metta means 'positive energy and kindness towards self and others' in the Pali language from northern India and closely related to Sanskrit. Engaging in this easy and simple practice requires only a few minutes of your day and can shift your perspective. Simply find a calm space, sit quietly, and...
At times my mind feels so full and cluttered. And yet in my earnest desire to stay involved with life, with people, and trying to live a meaning and purposeful life, I inevitably keep taking even more things in: emails, faces, words, stories in person, or on the news or what I'm reading or watching, and then more thoughts that are trying to figure out this, that and the other...