Relaxation + Sleep

At times my mind feels so full and cluttered. And yet in my earnest desire to stay involved with life, with people, and trying to live a meaning and purposeful life, I inevitably keep taking even more things in: emails, faces, words, stories in person, or on the news or what I'm reading or watching, and then more thoughts that are trying to figure out this, that and the other...
Energy flows more freely to the organs, glands, systems and chakra wheels of energy when congestion and blockages are removed with this Central Harmonizer Flow. You will shift into the parasympatheic nervous system mode for natural healing, balance and restoration. This may put you to sleep and if that happens, let it. Practice this flow daily if you choose. It will help your health, relaxation and sleep! Click Here For...
Grounding, calming and stabilizing, the downward flowing energy within you is called APANA VAYU. When you feel it and work in your practice to cultivate it, it will help you to find your roots and get grounded. When you EXHALE, you can easily feel this downward wash of energy through your body, especially in the pelvis, legs and feet. Systems energized are eliminatory, reproductive, and urinary. HELPS: Stress, worry, attachment....
You Were Born with Wings You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don’t. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly. ~Rumi CLICK BELOW FOR BUTTERFLIES IN SLOW MOTION VIDEO